The Whistling Kettle saga continues! Now normally I tend to stay away from flavored greens, as they tend to disappoint me with their (generally) low-quality sencha bases. However, this one smelled so fruity and yummy that I got a sample anyway. The sencha leaves are actually surprisingly large and unbroken in this blend, and there are a few dried red berries (currants? not sure) as well as pastel purple flowers. Dry scent is very sweet and juicy, and actually it reminds me of cranberry even though it’s not mentioned in this blend.
Steeped up, it still has that lovely sweet/tart cranberry-esque scent, with a touch of candy grape and possibly some orange. Hmm, actually, the taste leans toward orange too, which is odd since there is no orange. Clearly my tongue is drunk. I can also taste a candylike grape flavor and a nice tartness that I assume is coming from the pomegranate. I can barely taste the base, there’s just a touch of grassiness, but I intentionally kept the steep short because I was afraid it would get bitter. Maybe I’ll try a longer steep next time. Overall, quite a decent little fruity green. :)
Flavors: Candy, Grapes, Grass, Orange, Sweet, Tart