drank Bedtime by Yogi
92 tasting notes

I figured out the ladoo taste — it’s the spearmint and cardamom together. It’s kind of silly that I didn’t instantly point out the cardamom.

I’ve had this tea for the last three days, and I haven’t been able to sleep that well, mostly because I’m super awake after drinking this. I have some dried Valerian root that I’ll put in tisanes, and I’ve noticed that it makes me hyper. …Does anyone else have this problem? I feel like I still have the endocrine system of a child.


Have you tried tulsi? I’ve rhapsodized about it elsewhere, but it’s the only sleepytime-mellow-out herbal that actually does what it’s supposed to for me. Doesn’t knock me out, but certainly takes the nervous edge off.


I use Magnelevures. Natural Calm is the version you can get at health food stores.
Valerian makes my heart race!


It’s good to know that others have odd reactions to valerian — I don’t think I’ll continue using it (because it also doesn’t smell that good). I have tried tulsi — it’s definitely calming! I’m working on a few boxes of Organic India’s tulsi, and I really like the taste. I’ll check out Mangelevures — it looks like it has a good amount of Mg, too, which I’m currently lacking in my diet.


Let me know what you think! I really enjoy the taste of Natural Calm but it has other effects that aren’t so desirable so Magnelevures it is haha

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Have you tried tulsi? I’ve rhapsodized about it elsewhere, but it’s the only sleepytime-mellow-out herbal that actually does what it’s supposed to for me. Doesn’t knock me out, but certainly takes the nervous edge off.


I use Magnelevures. Natural Calm is the version you can get at health food stores.
Valerian makes my heart race!


It’s good to know that others have odd reactions to valerian — I don’t think I’ll continue using it (because it also doesn’t smell that good). I have tried tulsi — it’s definitely calming! I’m working on a few boxes of Organic India’s tulsi, and I really like the taste. I’ll check out Mangelevures — it looks like it has a good amount of Mg, too, which I’m currently lacking in my diet.


Let me know what you think! I really enjoy the taste of Natural Calm but it has other effects that aren’t so desirable so Magnelevures it is haha

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Calochortus likes plants and knitting and bacteria. She doesn’t have a very large tea allowance, so expect a lot of grocery store/local/home-grown/bagged teas. She’s grown up with tea, as it is part of (half of) her culture.

Her favorite teas are black and usually fruity or vanilla-y. She likes to put milk in her tea, too, but she’s trying to widen her palette with green teas and rooibos. She finds that tea leaves are great for composting, too.


The fictional state of Washidamont (Eastern WA, Northern ID, and Western MT)



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