“Office is busy.” Umm, what? Since when does Microsoft control when I open Word on my computer? That’s incredibly creepy. So, I’m drafting this note in Notepad before posting it. Ugh. Notepad sucks. This is one looooooooooong horizontal line. Makes proofreading pretty difficult and kind of defeats the purpose of drafting the note before posting it in the first place.
Anyway, this tea is super weak. The aroma smells like a Ceylon, but the flavor is nearly tasteless. Maybe it would be better if it was fresher and brewed longer. Currently, it’s like drinking warm water with a tablespoon of tea in it. So, this is a bust all around. Stupid Microsoft and stupid tea. :(
Format: check mark Word Wrap, should solve the notepad problem. The Office one is strange. Open task manager and see if Office shows up. Kill the program there and reopen. If that doesn’t work – shutdown and restart.
Lol! Bummer all around.
Format: check mark Word Wrap, should solve the notepad problem. The Office one is strange. Open task manager and see if Office shows up. Kill the program there and reopen. If that doesn’t work – shutdown and restart.
KS, you are my savior! I had no idea you could select Word Wrap in Notepad!