Timothy’s Tea is one of my favorites! I was given a gift set from my boyfriend (named Timothy) for Christmas one year and loved it so much, but we have been unable to find it anywhere!
A coworker of Camy’s gifted us an assortment of Timothy’s teas—they’re rather good! But I, too, have had trouble finding them. Anywhere. At least in person. Amazon has them. :)
A coworker of Camy’s gifted us an assortment of Timothy’s teas—they’re rather good! But I, too, have had trouble finding them. Anywhere. At least in person. Amazon has them. :)
A coworker of Camy’s gifted us an assortment of Timothy’s teas—they’re rather good! But I, too, have had trouble finding them. Anywhere. At least in person. Amazon has them. :)