This is a beautiful tea.

The first time I tried this, I brewed this by itself. I did not care for it one bit. However, it stayed in my tea cabinet, and I was really drawn to it tonight.

Since I didn’t like the heavy floral notes last time, I decided to blend it with a green (Mother’s Tea by Life in a Teacup, which I also think is quite good.)

I put about four pearls in with a small amount of green, and the result is a vegetal/grassy flavor with a floral finish. I love it.

I wound up having to spend the day breaking up frozen snow, because I didn’t get it shoveled in time due to illness. Although I liked the work, I am now sore all over. This was a wonderful pick after a hot bath, cheered me right back up. I think I’ll finish out the sample packet this way, blending it rather than using it alone.

3 min, 15 sec

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I love crafting (especially macrame), books, and tea (obviously). I also collect Wade figurines (…the same people who make the figurines for Red Rose tea.).

I have a slight obsession with candles.

I adore Earl Grey. :)

Currently Reading: if i stay/Gayle Forman

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