171 Tasting Notes


I was cleaning my house today and stopping to sip this, then I got to thinking. It was only a year ago that my mornings started with coffee and that the only tea in my house was Red Rose. I was okay with that, about once a year I’d go buy some tetley pomegranate green or lemon green or something with my grocery order. Now, even with the amount of tea and samples I have in my shelves I still get bored.
When I get border I go on a mad search through all my tea and find some thing I either 1) Have not yet tried. 2) Forget how it tastes. or 3) Need to give another chance to.
Every time I have made this tea I have messed it up. For some reason I’m just incredibly inattentive to this one tea in particular. Once I steeped it for 30 minutes. . . Today I made it right, I made myself make it right.
I stopped making lunch, I stopped cleaning the house, I stopped watching tv and I stared at the tea kettle until it simmered, then I stared at the leaves with a 4 minute timer in my hand. I’m certain I didn’t need to be so meticulous but it certainly paid off. I could taste the maple, the pecans and the tea. I didn’t pick up on any citrus notes though, but I’m not really a detail girl. I’m more of a “Damn that’s good!” girl.
So, Damn that’s good! Upping my rating.

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Golden Fleece by Verdant Tea
171 tasting notes

Good morning world! Watching some tv getting energized. I need to clean house, but not until I have had adequate caffeine. On cup 2, brewed western style.

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drank Zhen Qu by Butiki Teas
171 tasting notes

I’m not sure how I haven’t logged this one yet. The package is almost gone!
It is one of the few Butiki teas that doesn’t have that juicy undertone. It’s lighter, almost fluffy tasting. I love it, never disappointed by Butiki.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I enjoyed this one & it will be on my next Butiki order for sure (I almost said Fo Sho, LOL)


LOL! I was just talking about the uber tea nerd joke with the anxi fo shou and how everyone always says “fo sho” when someone says they like it.

Terri HarpLady

yeah, some of us are a little touched in the head, eh? LOL


I thought it was funny. . . BoxerPapa didn’t get it though. lol

Terri HarpLady

You had to be there, right?


Exactly, or at very be able to appreciate tea other than ones that taste like pumpkin pie. lol

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The last cup in my stash. :( I miss you already.

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This is so nice and spicy! It’s perfect for this horrendously cold day we’re currently having. It’s a cozy tea, the kind that reminds you of the comfort you get from a big family dinner. The reminiscing and laughter. I’m getting ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. If I actually focus I can even taste the crust!
I made this one in my little porcelain matcha bowl with my bamboo whisk. I steamed up some milk to have it as a latte. I feel like this was the perfect way to have it. My husband even let me try it when he used it in a smoothie. It added a nice spice to his bland, diet shake. lol
I ordered this one in the “There’s Matcha in there?” flavour level. I think it’s perfect this way, but I love spice. This is one of the best pumpkin teas I have tried so far, though I don’t really catch a whole lot of pumpkin, more so the spices that so a long with it. I want to make a good, old fashioned Libby’s Pumpkin Pie now. Guess that gives me something to do on my next day off! Thank Red Leaf, you kinda rock!

You can buy it here!


Yum! I love teas that make me warm and fuzzy inside. :)

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drank Banana Matcha by Matcha Outlet
171 tasting notes


This tea is everything I had hoped for and then some! Like fresh, fully ripe bananas mixed with a little bit of those yummy banana marshmallow candies! I got this one as part of the 3+1, husband tried to talk me out of it, but i kept thinking about this banana matcha smoothie that I used to get before work all the time. I got this as “There’s matcha in there” flavour level and it was definitely dramatic, in a good way! With this one I actually learned to sift prior to mixing. It actually bring out the flavour so much more and increases the amount of bubbles when you whisk! I actually preferred it without milk, which I wasn’t expecting.
This is definitely and absolutely a happy tea. The tea you have when you’re cranky to change it all. If it wasn’t so damn cold out I’d would try this as an iced tea. It’s going to be a great addition to a hot summer day. I think I need to tone down the flavour level because I can’t taste the matcha, which of course I should have taken the hint from the title, lol. It’s coming to work with me today though.


YAY! I’m glad you found one you love :)


Oh, more than one!


I’ve always been afraid to try this one, but your review makes me want it right now!


It’s awesome!


That sounds amazing! Still need to get into matcha.


Wow! Like the orange peanut candies that taste like banana? That is awesome!


Yeah! I haven’t had those since I was a kid.

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I had to make this today. In my hazy morning fog I botched the first package. It’s embarrassing to say how, so we’ll leave it at that. lol
Second packet was perfect. Had the first steep while i packed my lunch, second and third came to work. It is bold and unique. Thank you verdant!

Terri HarpLady

I drank this one yesterday :)


For Shou!

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This is my memorial note to my bag of GMS. You were very young, missing a mere two cups worth. But, I had left you in my work bag and someone spilled water in there and didn’t tell me. So, bit of a surprise this morning when I go to assess my tea stash and find your soggy, crumpled body mangled in my bag.
I’ll miss you, you were the only guayusa I enjoyed, and I enjoyed oyu a LOT! Now you’re gone. :(

Butiki Teas

Oh no, how sad :(


It was very sad. :(


Oh no!! :(


:( that stinks!

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drank Chai Spice by Verdant Tea
171 tasting notes

Mmmmmm. . . Got my January tea of the month club box today. I made this, stove top, without a black tea base because I worked late.
Holy crap this is good. Spicy and smooth and damn I love Cardamom!


good idea!


I haven’t had Chai in my house since Sept when I ran out of Chocolate Phoenix Chai. So many of them suck, they need to have a good spice! lol

Terri HarpLady

mmm…I want a cup of chai…


Yeah, I’m gonna make more now. lol


Mmmm… that looks and sounds so good!

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drank Jessie's Tea by DAVIDsTEA
171 tasting notes

My coworker RAVES about this tea, so I decided to give it a try as a cup to go. I enjoy rooibos, quite a bit. I’ve found recently I also enjoy coconut. Apparently not that much though. This is an experience that I liken to drinking a cup full of the worst bad breath you have ever smelled. Not for me, that for sure.


I agree. I also think the lavender in this blend is wayyy too strong. It’s good to use in the bathtub though!


I will keep that in mind!


lol… I’ve never tried a tea with lavender yet. I would like to although I’m a little scared it could be overpowering. I love lavender, I grow it in my garden, I have it in my soap and the incense… But how would it be with a tea? I’m going to have to find out I guess…

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There are few things in life that I enjoy more than a good cup of tea and the company of my dogs.
I’m a down to earth person very true to my Virgo roots. I own two Boxers, Octane (male, 6 years) and Rally Rims (female, 3 years). I do not breed or show, they are an integral part of my family. I also have a loving husband in the Canadian Military and a beautiful daughter who amazes me with her wit and intelligence everyday.
I love Autumn, for it’s colour, smell and general ambiance.
I’m just a girl, looking for a good cup of tea.


Thunder Bay, Ontario

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