I had purchased the Stainless Steel Bodum travel mug two weeks ago. There was a lot I didn’t like about it, namely that the lid kept popping off. So, thanks to there fantastic return policy I took it back and got another perfect mug, glitter and gold and this one. I did not realize that it was just Oh Christmas Treat renamed. I spent last holiday season living off this tea while opening a VERY busy retail store.
I have a terrible cold right now and my sense may be playing tricks on me. This smelled horrible, but tastes great! I’d like to add a tin to my collection, but I’ve run out of room on the wall rack I use. Which means I need to re-examine my location.
This tea makes an amazing latte btw!
6 min, 0 sec
One of my very first fav’s from long ago and a first intro to puerh of any sort. Without this tea I never would have ventured on probably.
Hope your store is doing great! :)