Confession: I don’t really like mint. I know… mint can be so awesome. It is good if you feel sick, it smells amazing, it’s great in candy canes and of course, in mint juleps (I do like making mint juleps with my own wild mint and homemade simple syrup), lots of great stuff!
But mint in tea isn’t my cuppa. That said, this tea was pretty nice. I feel like there is stevia in it, it had a pleasant sweetness to it. I ended up getting to my cup when it was a little cooler. I want to try this again, hotter and with a little more leaf to water.
But heck, I’m impressed. It was a mint tea that I didn’t dislike!
ETA – I just saw in the description that the tea has ginko in it – maybe that was the sweet element? I definitely have to try this again!
ETA Again – Thanks, STEAp Shop for the sample! This is for the Virtual Tea Tasting 9/23/12