Have to be careful though, to brew enough of it or it is tasteless. I made that mistake a couple of times, and once I didn’t have the water hot enough. It was awful. But if you brew it with at least two heaped teaspoons of the stuff in your infuser, you will be okay. Make sure you don’t just put the spicy bits in, you need the tea leaves too. Some of the spicy bits are big so you don’t get enough actual TEA. Other than that, its grrreat!
Have to be careful though, to brew enough of it or it is tasteless. I made that mistake a couple of times, and once I didn’t have the water hot enough. It was awful. But if you brew it with at least two heaped teaspoons of the stuff in your infuser, you will be okay. Make sure you don’t just put the spicy bits in, you need the tea leaves too. Some of the spicy bits are big so you don’t get enough actual TEA. Other than that, its grrreat!