drank Markesh Mint by TeaFrog
21 tasting notes

I like this better treating it like a Morrocan Mint tea by adding a bit of sugar to it. This is also my go to remedy for mild headaches with its mint and caffeine both working to cure the headache! I like to steep it just a little bit hotter and longer than I normally would for gunpowder because of the mint.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I got started on tea when I got some loose leaf tea from my husband’s grandmother when she passed away. Before that, I would drink some Celestial Seasonings tisane rarely, and of course, Lipton’s Iced Tea (don’t shoot me!). Let me tell you, there is a huge difference between bagged tea and loose leaf tea. Now, given the choice, I will almost always choose a loose leaf tea over any other hot drink. If it is bagged tea, meh, give me coffee. But a nice loose leaf tea, allowed to unfold in the teapot….there is no comparison.

Real teas are my favorite, though I will try the occasional tisane (herbal tea) every now and then.


Huntsville, AL

