7 Tasting Notes


Put simply, this is the finest black tea i think humans are able to create IMO.

I seldom spend obscene money on tea because some of the time that price is not reflected.

This tea really is absolutely amazing in pretty much every way, which i why i have 3 packs archived for the future!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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Of all the Jun Shan Yin Zhen I have had this year, Jing’s offering is absolutely the best hands down.
Due to its high price i thought i would seek out some JSYZ from other great tea sellers online, even managed to find the coded stuff in the gold tin.

TBH though this is the most expensive one around, but unfortunately it is IMO better by a country mile.

Definitely this years exceptional yellow.

140 °F / 60 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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This is another of the teas i have recently revisited using the glass brewing method.
Prompted by my recent success with a certain tai ping hou kui, i thought i would try brewing this modest yellow in this fashion.

Using the standard teapot method i found this tea to be mostly unremarkable, in fact as a yellow tea goes i found it distinctly green, not a bad thing but not yellow in the same way as a Jun Shan.

I took a standard 250ml glass, 2.8g of the tea and used 60 degree c water.

The taste really really suited this method of brewing, if i recall i got about 4 or more refills, ith a good flavour that persisted pretty much consistently until it finally died.

With the standard teapot method i think this tea tastes far too savoury and beany.
Using a glass and refill method it is more akin to say a Xu Fu Long Ya, not quite as much bite.

Overall i don’t think of this as a yellow, i think this years crop is very very green, so on a technical point i don’t think its what i would call a terrific example.

However, does that really matter?
Probably to some, but as i treat yellows greens and whites all the same it really just comes down to what i enjoy drinking.
And i have to say breed in this manner i am now enjoying this tea!

140 °F / 60 °C

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The best standard grade Long Jing i have had all year.
Leaves are more broken in the pack as compared to the picture, but i guess thats just aesthetics of the site, you know a standard long jing aint gonna look all perfect like the pics.
That being said this really is a truly wonderful dragowell, i have tasted strong coconut notes which i have not had in other LJs.

If you are looking for a standard grade i cannot rate this highly enough, seems 2010 is a great year for LJ

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Canton teas superior Long Jing is one of the best i have had this year.
It is superbly smooth and balanced, i would say slightly more nutty than grassy, but essentially just beautiful balance and smoothness.
Lasts well into the 3rd infusion, leaf structure still nice and compact and with a strong nut smell after 1st and 2nd infusions.
It is twice the price of their standard grade but to be honest it is not only twice as good but gives twice as many infusions.

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I love canton tea as a company, but i have to say their standard grade Long Jing is the worst i have had all year, flavour is poor and falls over in the second steeping.
Their supreme grade however is extremely fine and lasts 3-4 infusions assuming identical tea quanities/steep time/temp

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