I spent the whole afternoon/evening with this little gem. It was a freebee with some stuff I bought in a stash sale.
Lots of thick body and a finish that coats the tongue in delicious syrupy sweetness.
I went Gongfu and have so far steeped 8 times, from 30 seconds up to about 2 minutes. The 8.5g ball yielded plenty of flavors. Most are grassy and “brassy?” (tinny) even. There’s a bitterness but it is not astringent or unpleasant and the sweet finish always wins out.

Sharp and strong notes and overall super pleasant to drink. I would consider more Mengsong Sheng in the future.

Flavors: Bitter, Bittersweet, Grass, Sweet

8 g 6 OZ / 180 ML

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My rating system is in honor of K.S.

90-100 Stellar, to be displayed proudly if shared with guests. Or just a tea that hits its mark well.
80-90 I enjoy this tea a lot, would purchase and drink it. Fine if it lives in the pantry
70-80 Above Average, would drink it and probably still buy if the mood struck me.
50-70 Average, I would still drink it when available.
0-50 I don’t care for this tea, and have no desire to care for it.



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