drank Green Tea Plus Glow by Tetley
162 tasting notes

Smells like grapefruit…sort of. I find it smells like “grapefruit flavour” which may or may not smell like actual grapefruit. I’ve always wondered if “grapefruit flavour” interacts with medications like real grapefruit. Until I find out for sure, this is off-limits for mommy.

Taste-wise…this is a pretty typical Tetley green tea. Tastes grassy, with some “flavours” mingling in there somewhere. Grapefruit? I’m not so sure. Something slightly citrusy. But not like I just chomped down on a piece of grapefruit. Then again, I often find that whenever any tea company says that their tea is flavoured with grapefruit (real or artificial), I need to take it with a grain of salt. I love grapefruit, and the flavour just never lives up to my expectations.

I can’t see my skin glowing any time soon because I’m drinking tea with “grapefruit flavour” in it. Although, I might start glowing soon because I’ve had 3 cups of tea and have to pee.

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I love tea. And I don’t mean like “I like to drink tea in the mornings”. I mean, I LOVE TEA. I also have an intense love for spreading the news that plants and fungi are the coolest groups of organisms on Earth. If you’d like to learn why I think so, you should visit my blog. I write about one cool plant or fungus every day.


London, Ontario



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