drank Moroccan Mint by The Tea Haus
162 tasting notes

Went to the Tea Haus a loooooong time ago to get a cup of tea with my dad. I tried this one, since the smell was “blow your sinuses out” mint, with a hint of green tea smell. Well, the taste was more like the other way around. This was my first try of gunpowder green tea (which I have now come to know and love).

At the time of my first few sips I thought it was OK. Then I liked it more and more. I should have bought some while the urge struck, but didn’t. I’ll have to go back to try it again to see if it’s as good as my mind remembers it. If so, I’m buying a bag.

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I love tea. And I don’t mean like “I like to drink tea in the mornings”. I mean, I LOVE TEA. I also have an intense love for spreading the news that plants and fungi are the coolest groups of organisms on Earth. If you’d like to learn why I think so, you should visit my blog. I write about one cool plant or fungus every day.


London, Ontario



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