Following 272 Tea Drinkers

Adham 113 followers

Grandma introduced me to tea as a kid (lipton with milk and sugar; a bit pour...

Michelle Butler Hallett 171 followers

Writer and tea fiend. Author of CONSTANT NOBODY, THIS MARLOWE, DELUDED YOUR S...

teaNsympathy 44 followers

“The heaven of modern humanity is indeed shattered in the Cyclopean struggle ...

Nathaniel Gruber 72 followers

I am a lover of everything good. Rivers, fields, plains, forests, lakes, moun...

Gorreana Tea 101 followers

Europe’s Oldest Tea Estate. Organic Grown, High End Tea Since 1883.

pinky 22 followers

Shang Tea 70 followers

Shang is a native of China. Having grown up in China, he has an appreciation ...

aprilmoonflower 31 followers

Tea freak here! : ) Uh,seriously, I have a pretty hardcore addiction and love...

Verduras 27 followers

Steeping, reaping and cooking my way through life. Certified tea specialist ...



current profile photo: my teapot, teacup & saucer w/ Rishi White Peony Tea



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