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I tried this without any creamer/milk and about one teaspoon of local honey – it turned out great. However, if you’re wanting the “standard” Chai like ::cough:: starbucks ::cough:: makes you will probably have to go steam some milk. I think steeping for a shorter time has a better effect. I will experiment with the milk/creamer additive and report back later.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I’m an art professor who enjoys his tea. I’m willing to try any tea as well as learning about it too!

My Tea Ratings (In Cookie Monster’s Voice) :
90-100 “Me needs to buy more in bulk!”
80-90 “Pretty darn good”
70-80 “Me need to pawn this off on friend to empty canister or hard to control in steeping”
50-70 “Me no likey but worth trying out”
0-50 “Ugh, me need cookie”


Shreveport, LA

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