Again a revision – drank this yesterday and used 5.4 gm in about 8 – 10oz of water. The tea has really changed. It was deeper, richer, darker and held up nicely under multiple steeps. Putting the rest away again and will try it over the summer to taste how time has worked its magic.

OK; time to revise my impressions of this brick. Tried it again tonight. Used a little over 6gm and about 100ml of water. I can see some potential in this tea. The little bricks are about 11gm each and you probably need to use a whole one for a session. There is still some fermentation flavor but I don’t mind it. I like the direction it’s going in and it might eventually get there. Still reluctant to give it a numerical rating but also not committed enough to “recommend” it; but I want to be fair to the tea ;). I had to push the steep to a whole minute so I think this tea might work as a western brew with half a little brick; although not ruling out gong fu with lots of tea to water ratio.

Just received 2 100gm bricks of this today. I was very excited to brew up a square and experience a rich, sweet, wonderful Dayi shou experience… unfortunately, that’s not what happened. I found it disappointingly flat, cloudy and devoid of flavor. I’ve loved Red Rhyme and V93. Of course those had some years on them (2010 & 2011) but can’t imagine time will rescue these from their blahness. Maybe I’m wrong and time will bring these bricks to their full potential… so back in the cupboard they go. Plenty of other teas to try in the meant time; I’ll refrain from giving this tea a numerical rating for the time being.

Ok… and we’re back. I let this sit over night and then steeped. What a difference. now it’s clearer, deeper in color and thickness and tasting in the right direction, while still not brimming over with flavor. I now have hope this tea will eventually be worthwhile.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML
mrmopar 9 years ago

Age this one. I have a 2010 that is nice.

Arster 9 years ago

Thanks for the hope :). I’ll definitely not try this again for a while.

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mrmopar 9 years ago

Age this one. I have a 2010 that is nice.

Arster 9 years ago

Thanks for the hope :). I’ll definitely not try this again for a while.

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