78 Tasting Notes
Samples Only TTB
Decided to try my last two teas so I could put this in the mail today!
This is mildly interesting sweet, fruity tea.
It’s not as good as Adagio’s Blood Orange to me which has a more potent flavor and a more distinct taste of the fruits involved.
I would personally go with Adagio’s blend over this one, so not giving it a very high rating.
That said it wasn’t bad, so not giving it a very LOW rating either.
I’ll say I wouldn’t recommend because I’d recommend Adagio’s over this.
Flavors: Fruity, Sweet
Samples Only TTB
So fennel. Much soup. Many savory. Too spice. Wow. What flavor. Not tea. How drink.
This is not tea. o_o
This is soup that needs salt and some noodles added.
I don’t even.
I had to. I had to try it. Because sister insisted we should try it. And she was right. We had to try it. Because wow. It was. It was. It was not tea. I don’t even.
Seriously feel I could add some salt and noodles and have a nice lunch here. o_o
But its not tea.
Flavors: Chicken Soup, Fennel, Spices
I’m sorry to hear it was not tea, but this review made me laugh. =D I might have been tempted to hold onto a little bit of this “tea” and add salt and noodles, just to try it.
Glad you guys enjoyed haha.
TJ, I had to try it. I had to. Because it was going to be awful. So I had to.
Thats actually exactly what I do with my broccoli and chive savory tea from numi. I treat it like broth in a bag. Add a little salt and its a great snack. Use it in place water for things like lentils. So I was excited to see this in the TTB. Sipping on it right now and about to write a note. I love the stuff, haha
oh, and I let mine brew for at least 10 minutes. Other wise I find it disgusting. 8 more minutes and who knows? You might have been more of a fan (;
Hahaha I just dont like Fennel for one thing XD But yeah, it was more a soup than a tea. I find it weird and disorienting for it to be labeled as tea.
Oh, I know, I was originally sent a sample of the spinach and the broccoli flavors from numi and I tried the spinach flavor first and found it so disgusting that I dumped it down the drain. But, like a week later tried the broccoli, and since the first time around it tasted so watery, I let the other sample steep for like half an hour, and then added salt before even tasting it. This was so much better. I honestly don’t even consider them teas, though, just broth bags (:
I added 2 to the TTB, I would have added more but I only have 2 left, and I don’t want to run out before I get more. I can send you a couple when I get my next box though, if you like (: Just in case the other 2 are tested before it gets back to you.
Samples Only TTB
Not bad. Is Adagio’s Ceylon decaf mixed with mild Apricot flavor. Comes out a very apricot color and smells apricotty. It tastes ….apricotish.
I don’t dislike it, but it isn’t jaw-dropping. If you love apricots, you should like it.
I like apricots alright. Take my rating accordingly.
Flavors: Apricot, Tea
Samples Only TTB
Well I am truly confused. This tea smells odd. I thought at first it might be the rooibos which I’m decidedly un-fond of… But I wasn’t sure what to make of it so I gave it a go.
It doesn’t have the strongest aroma. The rosehips make it smell blech to me.
But I was VERY surprised to find that it doesn’t taste terrible. The rooibos and rosehips… both things I despise… aren’t overpowering the tea.
Now can I can still taste the rosehips. They are something I’d still rather it DIDN’T Have. Ugh. But the rooibos blends nicely and just like my beloved Foxtrot, it is true that Rooibos can use its powers for evil or for Awesome.
I like this tea. I like it a lot even. if it didn’t have rosehips I’d rate it REALLY high… But alas! That dastardly Rosehips, my arch nemesis strikes again! I give it full marks for being this good despite the evil Rosehips having gotten to it already!
Flavors: Berries, Clove, Fruity, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Licorice, Mango, Orange, Passion Fruit, Rooibos, Rosehips, Round, Smooth, Sweet
Samples Only TTB
I’m not 100% sure the tea I have is white tea. I am not sure if it’s green or herbal. I don’t think it’s black. Regardless as it came from the TTB I don’t have the box so I can’t look at ingredients to enter it somewhere else… so assuming it’s similar enough to this tea.
Anyway… Whatever kind of tea madametj put in the Sample TTB… this is great.
It’s a Lipton bag, so I almost didn’t try it, but after the Blackberry Vanilla surprised me, I actually had to give the other pyramid bag a go.
WOW! I am glad I did. This little bag gave me low expectations, but much to my surprise…
It smells like a Peachy-o in a cup!!! and tastes like one too!
I added extra sugar just to indulge in my childhood because what I have here is not tea. it is a cup of PEACHY-O.
Surely you guys have had them before eh? They’re horrible little corn syrup candy chews I had as a kid before I knew dyes and HFCS were bad for me and I don’t eat them anymore but DAMNIT IF I CAN APPROXIMATE THEM IN HEALTHY TEA FORMAT WITH A LITTLE EXTRA SUGAR I AM FREAKING GAME!
Just sitting here hovering over this cup is a delight. It smells of childhood happiness. Reminds me of happy times on the front porch of my grandparent’s house sharing a bag of such candies… And it reminds me of real peaches only in the vaguest round-about manner, but that’s okay.
I’m not sure why this flavor came out of a tea meant to taste like peach and mango… but it made me happy. SO BE IT. :)
Thanks to madametj for including this. it made me super happy. :)
Flavors: Candy, Peach, Sugar, Sweet
It’s a white tea, actually one of my favorites. I thought it would be nice if someone else got to taste my last couple of bags though :)
Samples Only TTB
I expected ceylon with orange. It tastes like ceylon with orange.
I mean that’s it really. It’s subtle, sweet, delicious.
If you like orange and you like ceylon black tea (i.e. 90% of Adagio’s black teas) you’ll like this.
I don’t know if the orange is normally stronger (as it came from an already opened bag so I have no idea how long it has been open) but it was subtle and sweet and good enough on strength that I’m not complaining.
So, call this one a good tea. :)
Flavors: Orange, Smooth, Sweet, Tea
Samples Only TTB
After the first Steepster Select tea I was very eager to try this one.
The description worried me… a rich tobacco tang that turns to cocao and honey sweetness.
Well… I was right to worry. It really does remind of tobacco… but whoever had the idea that this tasted anything like sweetness… I don’t even. BITTER is a better word.
It tastes like tobacco and bitter. I’m good.
Flavors: Bitter, Tobacco
Samples Only TTB
BLECH. This tastes like seaweed. I brewed it according to instructions and didn’t oversteep. It tasted terrible. Even with sugar, it was awful.
Another green tea I can’t stand.
It tasted and smelled of seaweed. Yuck. >_<
I even eat nori with rice or sushi but THIS was just … yuuuck.
Shame. Such CUTE packaging ;_;
Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Seaweed
Samples Only TTB
Tonight I decided to try two more teas as I have about 11 left I want to try before passing this thing onward. Gotta keep it moving. :)
I picked out a green at random and a herbal, let the water get to 180, poured it over the green, put it back on and let it boil, poured it over the herbal, which was a pyramid teabag in a cup. I have never used the pyramid teabags before but they’re so damned cute and I just had to try one, even tho it was Lipton and I wasn’t expecting to be impressed. More on that one later.
There isn’t much of an aroma to this tea out of the bag. It’s green and the fruit is dry. I can’t smell much of anything… So I brewed it up. Aroma is lightly fruity and barely present.
I took a drink and was happy. It’s a green tea that doesn’t taste of grass which is a bonus. It’s smooth, round, with a sweet fruity accent, not a hint of sour or bitter or tang. Everything I ever wanted in a green tea. Finally.
I take deeper drinks as this tea cools and it’s just … delightful. I keep saying I’m not a green tea drinker. I think it’s because I haven’t found the right green teas. I did sweeten it, as I sweeten… everything… But it didn’t require a lot of sugar. Typically, greens really take extra sugar for me to like it.
I am not sure if it’s just that this is a better green, or if it’s that I finally didn’t overheat the water… I don’t know. I just know I liked this tea and I’d drink it again. I may have to get some. :)
Flavors: Berry, Cranberry, Sweet
I sweeten everything too, even if it’s just a little. I’m glad you liked it, this sounds very tasty. :D
Samples Only TTB
I decided to try the Lipton Blackberry Vanilla simply because it came in pyramid bags and I’d never used one before. Well this was better than expected. It’s a pretty strong tea for something that comes from Lipton. I am used to loose leaf now and generally tea bags don’t do it for me anymore. I doubt I’d bother buying this, but glad I tried it.
The blackberry is very strong. The vanilla is not very noticable. It’s not bad. The flavor is not too sour.
Overall not bad. Not overwhelmingly good. I liked it well enough. :)
Flavors: Blackberry