Followed by 34 Tea Drinkers

tea-sipper 547 followers

Hi! I love tea and trying new ones – it adds a bit of variety to my day! Boo...

Wan Ling Tea House 婉玲茶苑 66 followers

Wan Ling Tea House is the coming together of tea lovers from opposite sides o...

tperez 237 followers

Tea addict since around 2011. My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roas...

looseTman 199 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

Rasseru 273 followers

Artist, electronic musician, photographer, asian food, vinyasa yoga, chemistr...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

tanluwils 83 followers

My ever expanding list of obsessions, passions, and hobbies: Tea, cooking, hi...



Puhead and teaware-lover.




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