Witness, Steepsterites, the food of the gods!
So I took half and half of Caramel and Apple, both of Kusmi Tea.
It is a well-known fact that the Caramel is a beloved favourite of mine. I procured the Apple yesterday and was somewhat unimpressed, although not completely put off or disappointed.
On a whim this fine morning, I decided to see how they would fare in a mix. Would it in fact be something along the lines of caramel apples?
The answer is a resounding YES! Yes it is. Oh my giddy aunt!
If you happen to be in possession of these two teas at any point in your life, I would strongly recommend trying them in a mix.
That. Is. BRILLIANT! Every inch of me wants to order these now, but I made myself a promise and will stick to it (must reduce tea in cupboard first). But you bet your sweet bippy that I will try this in the future. :D
I look forward to hearing if you experience with the mix was as thoroughly pleasant as mine. It completely took that initial problem I had with the apple out of the equation for me. I suspect now that I’m going to be having a LOT of fun with that apple tea. :D
That. Is. BRILLIANT! Every inch of me wants to order these now, but I made myself a promise and will stick to it (must reduce tea in cupboard first). But you bet your sweet bippy that I will try this in the future. :D
I look forward to hearing if you experience with the mix was as thoroughly pleasant as mine. It completely took that initial problem I had with the apple out of the equation for me. I suspect now that I’m going to be having a LOT of fun with that apple tea. :D
I need a Kusmi tea order soon. :)
This is the best thing I’ve ever heard since actual caramel apples! You’ve just saved two bags of apple tea I just happened to have laying around, I just made myself a pot and I’m almost on the floor geeking out. Thank you so much!