Another one that Wombatgirl sent me.

Is it just me or does everything smell vaguely of cinnamon or cloves? I took a clean cup, and since this is bagged it can’t be from the pot either. Fact is, though, there’s a clove-y sort of note in the aroma here.

Oddness aside, it’s strong on the bergamot. Very citrus-y. Bergamot has always been a sort of dark, sort of dusty flavour for me and often as a result a wee bit too bitter for me to be an Earl Grey fan. Earl Grey as a flavour just generally doesn’t really interest me. Therefore I’m surprised that the bergamot here strikes me as slightly sweet and creamy. I wonder if maybe the pina colada honeybush from yesterday has got stuck in my senses or something.

Flavour-wise, I’m not actually disliking it. It’s not one that I would buy for myself, however, and the strong bergamot is striking me as somewhat soapy, but it’s not even remotely as incompatible with me as I had feared.

It is somewhat soapy, and somewhat perfume-y, though. I don’t think these extra-strongly flavoured are really something for me. I tend to like something more subtle. Anyway, with this one I’m getting some unfortunate associations to the Bouquet of Flowers thing from Kusmi. I can’t remember the exact name. It was undrinkable anyway. I think it’s the absense of flowers from this one that is making it far more tolerable.

I can actually drink this. I wouldn’t say I like it, but I can drink it without paying too much attention to whether I like or dislike it. This, this is Just Tea.

It does get some additional points, though, for being noticeably flavoured with bergamot and not something that just tastes like lemon.

Lady 0f Spaydes 12 years ago

I’m addicted to bergamot. First time I had it, my friends and I agreed that it tastes like Pine Sol and then for some inexplicable reason I fell in love with it. :)

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Lady 0f Spaydes 12 years ago

I’m addicted to bergamot. First time I had it, my friends and I agreed that it tastes like Pine Sol and then for some inexplicable reason I fell in love with it. :)

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

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