I got this sample from Cait along with the roasted Ti Guan Yin a while back. She included it at as surprise sample, but it’s a bit sad because I don’t really have the best history with peach in tea, but she didn’t know that.

So it’s been lying around for a while until today when i took it out of the sample basket all randomly (I moved all my sample to a big basket that I have recently. Lexitus think it makes it look like there are more than there really is.) and I didn’t have anything else that I’d rather have so okay.

It’s definitely peach and it’s definitely cream. It comes as a sort of delayed reaction when I take a sip, the first flavour present being a good honest Ceylon. It’s very round and very smooth in flavour.

If I had a tendency to like peach in tea I would most likely absolutely adore this one. But I don’t really, so I’m leaning towards a somewhat below average rating. Which also feels somewhat unfair, because I can recognise that I would have loved it if I had been a fan of peach tea, so that should give it some points too right. This is turning into some very complicated maths! I’ll just give it a clean fifty and be done with it.

I’m not a huge fan of peach in tea… and it seems to be everywhere.


Yeah it’s odd really about peaches. I love peaches, but only as a fruit that I can eat. Not as a flavour in any sort of beverage. But I can see why it’s a popular flavour, and I can think of worse flavours.

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I’m not a huge fan of peach in tea… and it seems to be everywhere.


Yeah it’s odd really about peaches. I love peaches, but only as a fruit that I can eat. Not as a flavour in any sort of beverage. But I can see why it’s a popular flavour, and I can think of worse flavours.

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

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Bio last updated February 2020



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