Once again the new Perch’s shop has let me down. Some of you may recall having heard me complain about how the girl in the shop the first time I was there told me that the minimum amount was still 100g. I was so disappointed and decided to whine about it on their facebook page. A representative of the company then told me on Facebook that I would be welcome to buy less than 100g at almost the same time as a former colleague of mine replied to my message saying that she had had no trouble buying less than 100g of something the day before in the same shop. Today I was then told by a different person in the shop minimum 100g again. She didn’t seem very interested in what I had been told on Facebook previously, so I had to get the full 100g again. I didn’t have my phone on me, so I couldn’t show it to her anyway. I reckon it’s no use making a fuss about it in the shop. If two different people have told me this, then that’s likely what they’ve been told by their boss and they wouldn’t be allowed to let me have my way either way. So I have whined about it on Facebook again, requested a clear answer as to who’s right or wrong and if I should be allowed to buy less than 100g at the time, then could this please be communicated out to the personel? So now we’ll just have to see what happens next.
Otherwise I’ll just continue shopping via their website in the comfort of my own home where I don’t have to squint to read the squiggly old-fashioned text on rather shiny brass-coloured tins. I have an awfully difficult time seeing it. I’ve loved this shop. I would like to continue to love this shop. Right now they’re not really making that very easy for me.
This is a new blend from AC Perchs, and when I first saw it announced on their facebook page I thought it would be flavoured with mandarins, as in the little citrus fruits that look like miniature oranges. Turns out it isn’t. (It’s not flavoured with Chinese imperial civil servants either) It’s even more interesting because it has coconut, creme and elderflower. The coconut and creme, I can take it or leave it, but I love things that are elderflower-flavoured. Elderflower cordial is one of the best things to ever come into existance.
It’s not truly a green base, though, because it has white tea blended in as well. I can taste this as well by the courgette-y, walnut-y aftertaste. I haven’t been too keen on white teas lately, which I’m about to be somewhat challenged on. The other one I got to day is a white base… Oh well! This one does have that courgette-y aspect that is part of why I don’t much care for white, but it’s fairly subdued and only on the aftertaste, so it’s not really a big deal in a blend like this.
I’m also getting the coconut on the aftertaste, but not in large amounts. It mixes in well with the notes and almost manages to hide among them while in a peculiar way still being quite strong. It’s like strong and subtle simultaneously. How does that work?
The coconut is particularly clear on the actual sip, though, and the creme is also showing up there. The creme is more a feeling rather than a flavour really. I quite like that. I once had a cream flavoured tea and it seemed to me to be a waste of both tea and flavouring because I could have achieved the exact same result with a simple plain black tea and adding a smidge of cream myself. In this blend, however, I’m not getting that feeling, so that’s the ideal creme-ness for me.
The elderflower is a lot more difficult to pin down. I can’t really take a sip and say ‘that note there is elderflower’. It’s more sort of all over the place, a diffuse sort of elderflower-y cloud permeating through everything else. I should have liked this note to be a little clearer, but then again, I really like elderflower.
Husband says he really enjoyed this one. He says it reminds him of something but he couldn’t think what it was.
I think I may have over-leafed a little bit on this cup though, so it might be possible to bring this note out better. I also suspect that this is a blend that would perform rather well as a cold brew. I must remember to try this as well. It really does need a little more experimentation. For that reason, the rating might change in the future. I’m quite pleased with it right now, though.
hope you’ll have a chance to get your teas by 50g soon, sure they can do this !