drank Chai tea by Luka Te m.m.
1353 tasting notes

I can’t seem to make this consistently. Maybe it has something to do with whether or not it boils over horribly. Last time it boiled over and it turned out kind of concentrated and sweet. This time it didn’t boil over and it’s extremely peppery.

I could still live without the pepper.

It’s very christmassy, I think the next step on the christmassy scale would be glögg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulled_wine#Gl.C3.B6gg) and that’s an entirely different thing.

I’m being encouraged to try and blend my own, so I’ll probably give that a go one of these days.

PS: The link up there looks strange, but it’s been tested and it works. Even if it looks strange.

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

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