drank Orange Swirl by Sterling Tea
1353 tasting notes

Auggy shared this one with me, I think because she had said she wasn’t getting along with it and I told her of my new-found appreciation for flavoured rooibos. Although for me that’s largely berry-y flavouring. (And I still think it’s new-found.)

I cannot shake the notion of celery. Both in smell and flavour.

A statement which caused Husband to exclaim, and I quote:

“You are smoking rocks!”

He thought it smelled like some sort of orange-y chocolate-y drink. I can’t find either. I can barely even find the rooibos!

Celery on the other hand…

I don’t much like celery.

Husband is enjoying it, though.


Strange – LOL Rocks! I quite like celery but one would not think this would taste as such!


Hehehe =)


This cracks me up! I’m going to have to smell the tin next time I’m at the store and see if I can pick up celery. I was with your husband on this one – I quite liked it. But the flavoring must be corn-based because it gave me a migraine, so bye bye!

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Strange – LOL Rocks! I quite like celery but one would not think this would taste as such!


Hehehe =)


This cracks me up! I’m going to have to smell the tin next time I’m at the store and see if I can pick up celery. I was with your husband on this one – I quite liked it. But the flavoring must be corn-based because it gave me a migraine, so bye bye!

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

Contact Angrboda by email: iarnvidia@gmail.com

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Bio last updated February 2020



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