I have jumped back into the green teas that Autumn_Aelwyd sent me, and when I had a look at the Chinese ones, I thought this one appealed to me more today. I think it’s the name. It’s that sort of name that pokes at the imagination. I expect it probably refers to the mountain on which the leaves are grown, but in my head it makes me expect something light and almost flimsy. Like mist and clouds, you know?

Before I began making the first cup, I had a bit of a sniff at the dry leaves. They smelled pretty much like I expected them to. Kind of grassy and not really anything else, but there was something about this specific nuance of grassy that I found very attractive. Maybe it’s the mood I’m in today that is specifically receptive to green tea smell or maybe it just has that extra quality. Who can tell?

Feeling very encouraged, I made the first cup. I tried to give it 20 seconds, but it probably turned out to be more like 40, because the first thing that happened when I tried to pour was me getting to use some time on unclogging the spout. I hadn’t even had more than a few drops out of it at that point, so the initial timing was pretty busted. (This is why I don’t usually specify how long I steep these short ones. It’s never even remotely accurate anyway.)

I got it unclogged in the end and poured my cup. And then I was disheartened because it had that thick, heavy aroma like the first steep of Dragonwell. A bit greasy and reminding me of cat breath. You may recall, I was not particularly fond of that first Dragonwell steep, but that it improved for me a lot already on the second one. This one has a lot of that same quality to it, although not as strongly.

The flavour, thankfully, is not that thick and greasy. If we think back to that Dragonwell again, I would describe this as an even mix between that first and second steep. It does have that thickness and heaviness to it, but there is a strong note of something with a little more bite. Green asparagus, steamed just so springs to mind. Slightly stringy stems and all.

Well that was rather nice, so let’s proceed right away!

Second steep was also a little inaccurate on the timing, first because I had managed to misplace my cup and second because this is one spout-clogging tea. This time the aroma has lost that greasy heavy note again. The aroma is rather vague now, but there are notes of floral sweetness in there. Nectar-y, I would say, because it’s not that dusty, perfume-y sort of floral.

Unfortunately all that dusty floralness is to be found in the flavour, complete with a funky after-taste. I think this might be what people mean with a mineral note. It does taste a bit chalky. Can’t say I’m too pleased with that. Where did my steamed asparagus go?

Strangely, I did have a hunch that I should increase the steep time some for this round, but I decided against it because it seemed so unnecessarily early to do it on the second steep already when I didn’t even have any specific reason for doing so. Now I think I probably should have gone with the hunch.

I liked the first steep a lot better than this one, so let’s just skip it and go straight to the third with a better steep time.

I gave the steeping time a good whack upwards for the third round, nearly doubling it. It’s still quite floral and dusty in flavour and with that chalky note in the background, but I’ve got the steamed asparagus note back again. It’s sort of keeping to itself discreetly, but it’s definitely there.

Considering the floral dust flavour and the chalkyness, I don’t think I’m going to get anything more useful out of this one. I wasn’t too fond of the second or third steep, but I found I rather enjoyed the first one. Enjoying the first steep is, to me, far more important than enjoying the others, so I’m going to rate it based primarily on the first steep.

With this in mind, I think is one I should also try Western style as well, even though I seem to be enjoying green more when done in multiple short steeps.

Autumn Hearth

I do have to agree with the chalky. This tea has been somewhat hit or miss for me. Never out right bad mind you, but there have been a couple times where it had these really amazing berry notes that at other times seem impossible to replicate. I think I’ve appreciated it more with comparing it to others that have different qualities, which I know doesn’t help for day to day drinking. But it does remind me the most of the Laoshans which I personally like.


I’m glad you agree about the chalk. I’ve been pondering that mineral note that others have mentioned for the longest time, not understanding what they meant. I suddenly got it today.

I had a look at your post about it afterwards and saw you mentioned pomegranate. I didn’t find anything like that, but now I hope I do. :D It sounds like it’s some sort of sweet spot one has to find.

I think you included a Laoshan in the package. And Spoonvonstrup sent me some recently as well from a different picking. I should probably have those next.

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Autumn Hearth

I do have to agree with the chalky. This tea has been somewhat hit or miss for me. Never out right bad mind you, but there have been a couple times where it had these really amazing berry notes that at other times seem impossible to replicate. I think I’ve appreciated it more with comparing it to others that have different qualities, which I know doesn’t help for day to day drinking. But it does remind me the most of the Laoshans which I personally like.


I’m glad you agree about the chalk. I’ve been pondering that mineral note that others have mentioned for the longest time, not understanding what they meant. I suddenly got it today.

I had a look at your post about it afterwards and saw you mentioned pomegranate. I didn’t find anything like that, but now I hope I do. :D It sounds like it’s some sort of sweet spot one has to find.

I think you included a Laoshan in the package. And Spoonvonstrup sent me some recently as well from a different picking. I should probably have those next.

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

Contact Angrboda by email: iarnvidia@gmail.com

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Bio last updated February 2020



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