I am so glad after a long day a successfully cooked dinner and a movie I am able to relax with a cup of tea. Did I mention my Rishi order came in today Yay! So I decided to start out with this one since it seems fairly light and I would like to be able to go to sleep at a decent hour (not the party animal I use to be).
Anyway on to tea this smells not blatantly apply but I could kinda smell apple in the dry leaf. The dry leaf or bud is beautiful not unlike silver needle as the description suggests and I do agree with them.
I have to agree with my pal Lena on this one I don’t dislike it I don’t get much taste out of it but it’s subtle and I like it for some reason. Usually I like in your face but I wasn’t expecting that out of this tea so I wasn’t disappointed. It’s nice not something I would serve to someone who doesn’t normally drink tea because as I already stated it’s very light. I like it and I don’t know if I would reorder at this time but if I find myself craving it I will up the rating a bit or if second steep totally rocks.