This is a mildly sweet, somewhat floral, somewhat vegetal, tasty green tea. It also seems to have a slight sour note to it. As I have little experience with Bi Lo Chun teas I don’t know how it compares to others of its type. But it is good. If only it didn’t have this sour note. I wonder if that could be my taste buds? Could it be brewing temperature? Did I use slightly too much tea? I brewed it for the right amount of time. I picked up the greens in my latest order with Mandala and Teavivre because I have been told to cut down on my caffeine and there are nights where I just must avoid caffeine because of my work schedule. It is established that green tea has less caffeine than black tea, the science is not clear on puerh. Sometimes puerh keeps me awake, but that may be because of the tendency to resteep it many times and extract all of the caffeine.
I brewed this once in an 18oz teapot with 175 degree water and 3 tsp leaf for 1 min.
Flavors: Floral, Vegetal
Bi Lo Chuns are kind of sour and they remind me of artichokes
I did not know Bi Lo Chuns tended to be sour?