I’m really going to miss this tea when it is all gone, but happily, I’m not out of it yet. It is so delicious. The fruit flavours are light and natural and balance well with the green tea. I found that a lower steeping temp and longer steep time gave the best results for this tea.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My love of tea began when I walked into a shop one day and they were giving out samples of jasmine silver needles. It was absolutely gorgeous, and I have been addicted to tea ever since. Jasmine silver needles remains my favourite tea to this day.

I think my favourite types are white teas and oolongs, though I will pretty much drink anything.

Aside from tea, I’m into Star Wars, music, furniture, food, Lilly Dache hats and vintage clothing.


Bolton, UK

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