Picked this one up last night, and the new packaging is quite vague about what the flavor notes are. Loving black teas anyway, I picked it up for something new to try.
I’ll admit, I’m underwhelmed. I was excited when I opened the pouch and could smell lemon and something floral, and I figured the warmer black tea notes would come out when it brewed. They did not. I tried it first with nothing in it, then with a small bit of raw honey with very little noticeable difference. It’s a very light kind of tea. I suppose some would think it’s refreshing, but when I rely on my morning cuppa to kick me like a mule into wakefulness, this just didn’t stack up.
It might be nice in summertime, drank cold. I think with a mint leaf or two it would be lovely. I’ll try it again when the weather gets warmer.
Flavors: Flowers, Lemon Zest, Vanilla
If you like black iced teas, this makes a pretty good one— it’s my daughter’s favorite.