Vague horror movie talk in the next paragraph…

So basically I’m really out of it. Last night I went to a midnight screening of The Shining that was happening in downtown Columbus (largely so I can finally understand the 900,000 references that have been made to that movie), and I had tried and failed spectacularly to take a nap beforehand. I got home from the screening at about 3:30 AM, but had to watch goofy anime before I went to bed to take my mind off… no, not the movie, but this one fake commercial in the pre-entertainment. I won’t go into details unless you want me to (I don’t mind, but I don’t want to upset anyone), but it says something about my psychology when a “hilarious” vintage-cartoon-gone-horrifyingly-wrong disturbs and upsets me more than ALL of a splendidly made Stanley Kubrick psychological thriller. More than just about any horror movie I can think of, for that matter. So then I wound up picking a really dark and angsty episode of a really goofy anime, and despite its angst it STILL took my mind off that stupid commercial, then I went to bed at 4:15 and woke up 4 hours later and my mind was going IT’S YOUR DAY OFF YAY GET UP GET UP GET UP and I’ve been awake ever since and I’m physically and mentally really really out of it!

…Yeah! Tea! This one came out really bergamot-y this morning. I was hoping for more cream, but with the way I’m feeling, some citrus perkiness may not be a bad thing.

Again, many thanks to Nicole for the sample! It’s been an absolute pleasure!

ashmanra 12 years ago

O.O I am the same way. I even feel a little angst just wondering what the commercial MIGHT have been. It helps if I know what is going to happen and when, but don’t surprise me. My kids sit beside me in theaters going “no lookie, no lookie, no lookie, okay now you can look.” But I get used to it and just watch if I see the movie several times.

Nicole 12 years ago

Sometimes it is the little unexpected things that keep us up. :) I was reading a horror book the other night (yeah, I’m masochistic that way…) and it wasn’t any of the big stuff that kept me up after I put the book down – it was the tiny things that didn’t even do anything in the story, they were just set dressing. But it took me forever to go to sleep. :)

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ashmanra 12 years ago

O.O I am the same way. I even feel a little angst just wondering what the commercial MIGHT have been. It helps if I know what is going to happen and when, but don’t surprise me. My kids sit beside me in theaters going “no lookie, no lookie, no lookie, okay now you can look.” But I get used to it and just watch if I see the movie several times.

Nicole 12 years ago

Sometimes it is the little unexpected things that keep us up. :) I was reading a horror book the other night (yeah, I’m masochistic that way…) and it wasn’t any of the big stuff that kept me up after I put the book down – it was the tiny things that didn’t even do anything in the story, they were just set dressing. But it took me forever to go to sleep. :)

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The name’s Holly. 27. Work for a small IT company. About to finish a Master’s degree this winter. ISFJ for what it’s worth. I play various instruments (mostly bass guitar right now), attempt to write songs that I’m too scared to play for anyone, and I’m currently taking voice lessons. I also enjoy starting various hobbies, wearing monochromes, writing, cooking, taking walks, and various and sundry other things…

I’ve been a tea drinker since spring of 2013. Tea is a source of happiness, positivity, curiosity, and relaxation (…and caffeine) for me.

I’ve been on and off this site over the years, and I even had a separate tea blog at one point. For now, I’m just working on getting back in the habit of enjoying tea regularly and to its fullest.

Love: Malty Chinese black teas, shu/ripe pu erhs, soft flowery teas (esp. jasmine teas)

Like: Japanese green teas, sheng/ripe pu erhs, white teas

Still trying to get into: Most oolongs, chai teas

Not crazy about: Roasty teas, fruity teas, rooibos, many (not all) herbal teas

90-100: YEAH!
80-89: Nice! This is good stuff.
70-79: Respectable tea.
60-69: Not bad.
50-59: Middling. Not really worth it.
25-49: Eeeeeugh. Not good.
0-24: Did you know you can use tea leaves as odor absorbent?



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