806 Tasting Notes
As most of you may remember my addiction to this tea is… well let’s call it astronomical. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a replacement. Most other places only deal with Mates.. those crazy people!! I want Guayusa! So I’ll have to try to make this oh so lemony creamy goodness on my own. I can pick up plain Guayusa from DT and then I just have to figure where to get the rest of the ingredients. Thank goodness I still have some left!
Flavors: Creamy, Lemon
Finishing this off. I got a bunch of this free during their chai promotion. I would have preferred pumpkin chai but that wasn’t allowed so I thought I would try this one. It’s okay but not great. It will help warm you up on a cold winter day or clear out your sinuses. But I’ll be honest my favourite is still pumpkin chai followed by S’mores chai.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Peppercorn
Every time I have a Butiki tea it makes me sad because I’m that much closer to losing my stash. I can’t get anymore of this lovely cookie tea. Full of almond vanilla goodness.
Flavors: Almond, Cookie, Vanilla
Have you tried Almond Sugar Cookie from Simpson & Vail? I’ve heard it’s quite good and have thought about ordering some. I love almond vanilla teas too!
@Teatotaler while it does look good, the shipping to Canada would probably kill my tiny tiny wallet. It’s why most of my tea orders come with free shipping otherwise I pay the same in shipping $$ as I do for the actual items (sometimes more).
Still my favourite Vanilla matcha!! I’ll be honest though I didn’t use water this time. I just threw some powder into a cup full of milk, and frothed. Oh my goodness this is just such a nice vanilla you can toss it in anything!
Flavors: Cream, Vanilla
I have drank this more than my steepster tea cupboard says I just haven’t logged in ages. This is a really good chocolate~y tea. I get all the infusions they promise and because it has the temperature, as well as the time recommended for each steeping on the package itself it makes my life a lot easier. I just have to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit as my kettle uses the evil imperial system.
Flavors: Chocolate, Roasted
To me this tastes like Big Red gum. If you have ever had it, then you know it’s a spicy cinnamon. That was my first steep of about a minute. My second steep was about 30 seconds and I still got some cinnamon but it was more mild with a bit of a peach like flavour at the end. It was really tasty and I’m really glad I got it.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Peach