Glad it was just a sample. I would rather lick my dog’s foot than put this in my mouth. In fact I can say the same about the sour apple in the same pack… I’m not brave enough to try the rasberry patch since it smells like cough drops. If you like really icky candy type fruit go for it. If not than don’t waste your money.


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Teas in my cupboard may not be physically in my cupboard anymore.

I read ebooks mostly scifi/fantasy with some mystery thrown in. I should also mention that I read graphic novels from Marvel to Manga.
I have an orange and white tabby who is cute and noisy.

I also hate all coffee flavoured things and yes that does include Cappuccino. I can’t stand tobacco either.

I’m not a vegan or vegetarian while I respect those that are. Anyone who gets between me and my meat.. well just don’t :D
I also don’t drink alcohol or smoke. beer,coolers etc.. all taste horrible to me. As for the smoke, besides the health hazards it smells awful!





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