“Delicious! My first Wuyi Oolong and I am in love. I was browsing the Red Blossom website prior to my visit and was orignally planning on taking home the much cheaper Qi Zhong but I was offered a...” Read full tasting note
Our Heritage Huang Guan Yin is the child of two Anxi County cultivars: Huang Jin Gui, a tea known for a flower-like aroma reminiscent of osmanthus, and Tieguanyin, a tea prized for its perfume of Spring orchids. The combination of the two was developed less than a decade ago in Wuyi Shan to produce a yancha with exceptional aromatics. To say that the experiment was a success is an understatement – many of today’s purported “Da Hong Pao” is crafted from Huang Guan Yin because tea makers assume the tea’s aromatics would command a higher price.
We oversaw the harvesting of this tea in mid-May 2010, tracking its oxidation, twisting and roasting. The resulting “mao cha” was then given several layers of traditional charcoal roasting by a master roaster over the course of several months.
When we first introduced Huang Guan Yin, we described it as the most ethereal of our Wuyi teas. This latest batch introduces complexity and richness to balance the high flying aromatics of this cultivar. The result is rich, deep and creamy but at the same time flowery and fruity.
Water Temperature: 195-200°, or when medium bubbles begin to rise and water becomes agitated.
Brewing Instructions: Use 1 tablespoon (double for a medium sized pot). Rinse tea for 1 second. Discard rinse water. Steep for 1-2 minutes. May be infused multiple times.
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