Peaches & Cream Black Flavored Tea

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEqualsBliss
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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9 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

I think I’ve tried this one before, but I hadn’t logged it. Having some more this morning (yes, I know it’s not morning, but it is for me).

I am a little surprised by the other tasting notes for this tea, because I can taste the peaches and cream. They meld together quite nicely. I don’t taste the black tea quite as much as I do the peaches and cream… it’s a very nice tea though… perhaps one of my favorites from the mystery boxes I purchased.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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865 tasting notes

Had 24oz. w/ my favorite home-made panini:
chicken patty
a slice of breaded eggplant
goat cheese w/ crushed red pepper
a slice of roasted red pepper
a slice of tomato
Miracle Whip on one side of the French bread, Fat Free Italian dressing on the other.

In spite of their being no “cream”… and virtually no peach… it’s a pretty good iced tea that pairs very well.

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6768 tasting notes

Backlogging a cup before sending to a friend…this is a slightly flavored black tea and it’s a nice cuppa!

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4262 tasting notes

Ancient Alphabet challenge – P

Not only one of Frank’s blends but a ZOOMDWEEBIES blend. Now that is Old. I thought the flavor was completely gone, but no, brewed just right, I can definitely taste a bit of peaches and cream. Wow.

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772 tasting notes

Got some of this from The Tea Sipper in trade, so trying it out.

I agree with most of the posters that I really don’t get much flavour out of this, mostly faintly in the aftertaste but it doesn’t linger. What I do taste doesn’t really do anything for me. I’m not sure if it’s that I don’t really like the black base or what, but something just seems a bit off in this tea for me. Can’t say I like it much at all.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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120 tasting notes

Keeping the peach theme going…yet another fix from QuiltGuppy, generous she is. The peach is there, but understated. The cream is faint. I am picking up a trace of smoke in the black tea base. I like smoke, but was caught off guard to find it here. I tasted three distinct times and it is there. Odd but good. Reading the peaches & cream label, I expected bold flavors. This is ok, nothing wrong with it, just not what I expected.

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