This can be a hard hitting tea at first but as your steeps go on it really changes character and goes from a lot of astringency into floral and grassy tones. The aftertaste of ocean air is always around and it leaves your mouth feeling a bit dry.
Note: Lowering the temperature and/or a shorter steep time can fight off the astringency some if its not your thing. However it will always be around.
1st Steep: A large astringency hits me and leaves my mouth feeling dry and am left with the light aftertaste of ocean air.
2nd Steep: The 2nd steep brings out some grassy flavor and strengthens the taste of ocean air a lot which lingers long after the sip. The astringency is much toned down.
3rd Steep: The faint taste of flowers arrive and mix with the ocean air beautifully. This is where I feel the tea really comes alive. The astringency all but disappears, however your mouth will still feel a bit on the dry side.
4th Steep and Beyond: You’ll get floral and grassy notes as the flavor tapers off.
Overall I really enjoy this and recommend it for those who want something flavorful and with drastic changes over the steeps.
Flavors: Astringent, Drying, Flowers, Grass, Ocean Air