Assamica Sun-Dried Silver Needles White Pu-erh Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh White Blend
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Crowkettle
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From Yunnan Sourcing

Most Silver Needles white tea originates from a hybrid varietal and is air-dried (not sun-dried). These Silver Needles are picked from the same Pure Assamica bushes that produce Pu-erh tea. Our Sun-Dried Silver Needles are a Spring harvest picked in early April from Min Feng Mountain area in Yong De county of Lincang. Just the young tips are picked and then carefully processed with wilting, frying rolling, wilting again and then finally dried in the warm sun.

The taste of the brewed tea is smooth, with a sweet cinnamon, pear and grass taste. Some very mild astringency is present due to it being pure Assamica. Can go several rounds without losing taste.

A very enjoyable white tea/white Pu-erh tea that can be aged in the short term for great complexity!

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