2016 Zhong Cha "Ya Pan Ye Fang" Golden Flowers Fu Brick of Hunan

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more

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From Yunnan Sourcing

This is a lovely production of 2016 spring harvested tea from the wilds of An Hua county in Hunan. The name of the tea “Ya Pan Ye Fang” 崖畔野放 means “wild on the cliff”. This describes the terrain of the Yun Tai mountains where this tea grows. Rocky, steep, and wild. Tea trees grow well in this terrain, although picking the tea is quite labor intensive!

The tea is a blend of grade 1-3 (grade refers to leaf size) tea leaves that was expertlyRead more

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1 Tasting Note

25 tasting notes

Have to say, absolutely brilliant brick. Yes, taste is all over the place but I don’t brew it any specific method bar throwing a chunk into this


but back to main criteria. It must not make me hungry. It must not make me sleepy. That almost sounded like some part of bible. I have no problem with concept of day tranquilizer, that is, sedating but not affecting motor skills. Like snowing inside your head. Another accidental food pairing. I got into lard few weeks ago.


That’s downward spiral from bacon. Since then I skipped my Wednesday shopping at ethincal joint. Then it got even weirder. I got this


my recent habit of liubaos was interrupted by postage. I was even considering getting 1815 brick. But Yunnan sourcing could only ship to the north. So this was really a test package that I knew I could give away easily. It is sitting in the upper drawer of my desk waiting for unsuspecting courier open to conversation about nazi conspiracy so I can shift it further. One day I get caught. I will say it is sliver fox chronicles. Apparently, as a post vax recoveree not only I am able to gulp wine like there is no tomorrow, I can get back into fuzhuans. Which are way cheaper. I am not sure if there is any other positive aspect of that. So I got Romanian brand “marcel” smoked lard. Best thing ever So now, slice of lard at 6am, 2 cups of fu zhuan at midday and then whatever happens on the way home. What could possibly go wrong.


Boiling 8 min or more

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