2018 Yunnan Sourcing "Hui Run" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake of Bu Lang Mountain

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Alcohol, Bitter, Blackberry, Camphor, Cloves, Fireplace, Fishy, Medicinal, Nutty, Parsley, Petrichor, Red Wine, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Togo
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 2 oz / 50 ml

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  • “Having tried both the 2013 and 2018 versions of this tea, I think I can say that it’s not my favourite shou profile. I do prefer the 2018 one, although that may be affected by the fact that the...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

We are excited to offer this premium ripe pu-erh cake made entirely from Spring 2017 Bu Lang mountain material. First flush material was collected from several Bu Lang villages and fermented for 46 days. After fermentation was completed, the tea was dried and graded. We blended the various grades to create a balance recipe comprising of tippy golden buds and heavier grade Te Ji, 1,3, and 5 leaves. The term “Hui Run” refers to the sweet, slippery and soothing feeling that lingers in the mouth and throat even after the tea drinking session has ended.

357 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Only 150 kilograms in total available!

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1 Tasting Note

1025 tasting notes

Having tried both the 2013 and 2018 versions of this tea, I think I can say that it’s not my favourite shou profile. I do prefer the 2018 one, although that may be affected by the fact that the sample of 2013 vintage I received was from the tightly compressed part.

I did find the aromas of Hui Run quite interesting with notes like petrichor, cognac, cloves, fireplace, blackberry and camphor among the ones I picked up. The liquor itself has a somewhat medicinal smell, which is then present in the aftertaste too. The taste is nutty and slightly bitter. It reminds me of red wine and fresh parsley at times. The first time I had this sample, I found it a bit fishy, but not today.

The aftertaste seems to be limited to throat over mouth. It is very long, sweet and constrictive. The tea has a nice colloidal/milky mouthfeel that is coating once cooled down. In terms of cha qi, I didn’t notice anything other than a caffeine effect.

Flavors: Alcohol, Bitter, Blackberry, Camphor, Cloves, Fireplace, Fishy, Medicinal, Nutty, Parsley, Petrichor, Red Wine, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 2 OZ / 50 ML

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