This is one of only two traveling tea box teas left in my stash, so I’m using it for the sipdown prompt “A tea from a tea swap/traveling tea box.” It came from the Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox which made its final journey around the time I joined Steepster, back in 2017. Thanks to tea-sipper for organizing the box and anyone who contributed at that time!
I only took a little over 2g as a sample from the box, so I prepared it as a small, western brewed cup (I just don’t have the energy for gong fu at the moment anyway…) There was a smokiness to the dry aroma which turned me off a bit (I don’t like smoky teas) so I figured a single cup is all I’d be up for anyway. Brewed, I definitely smell charcoal smoke, as well as a somewhat oaty/carmelized aroma.
As I predicted, this has a smoky charcoal/tobacco note to it that just isn’t really my thing. But it isn’t overpowering (at least, not at this age, perhaps it was when it was still fresh) so I’m not getting “forest fire smoke wafting into my face” from the cup (which, aside from just not being a big fan of the taste, is the main reason I don’t like smoky teas… that strong aroma gives me a migraine). I imagine smoke-lovers would be quite pleased with this… it almost has a sort of BBQ-umami note to it, and the base tea beneath the smoke is sweet, like a honey/carmelized glaze.
Not a bad cuppa, just not my cuppa.
Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Charcoal, Honey, Malt, Oats, Roasted, Smoke, Sweet, Tobacco, Umami
How are the shingles?
The pain is more managable now, but I’ve entered into “annoyingly itchy” territory.
I eagerly await the day you leave annoyingly itchy territory and enter “what shingles?” territory!
Thanks! Me too!