Spring 2015 Fu Shou Mei Feng Qing Black Tea of Yunnan

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Berries, Cocoa, Malt, Red Fruits, Stonefruit, Sweet
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Loose Leaf
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From Yunnan Sourcing

The freshly picked tea is wilted and then briefly fried in tropcal Yunnan muscovado style (un-processed) red sugar. The sugar is mixed with water, and used sparily in the frying process of the leaves.

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2 Tasting Notes

17027 tasting notes

Got this tea from Christina what feels like ages ago…

So, I’m drinking this Western style steeped up in a medium sized teapot; I’ve been binge watching the new season of Bojack Horseman all day because I’m, once again, absent from work while I try not to shoot myself in the head because of all the itching. Distractions are key. Or at least that’s what I’m finding.

My accompaniment to this tea other than season three of Bojack is a cheddar cheese scone, and I have to say that I’m really loving the pairing. The tea is actually quite sweet and syrupy, which I’m sure has to do with the unique processing method this tea goes through. It’s got a lovely, soft fruitiness to it that reminds me of red fruits but also cocoa, malt, and nutty notes and a splendid marzipan finish. This fascinating combination of flavours makes for a contrasted but not harsh juxtaposition to the scone which has some more savory qualities while still being sweet in and of itself too. It’s a great experience!

Also, SPOILER WARNING!!! (For Bojack Horseman)

I literally just finished the third season of Bojack Horseman and I almost jumped off the couch because all season they’ve sort of been hinting at Todd being asexual and they basically directly addressed and confirmed it. He’s talking to a girl he clearly likes but has problems being “intimate” with. She asks if he’s gay or straight and he says “I think I’m nothing?”. And you can clearly tell it’s the first time he’s said it out loud…

And I’m just freaking out in my condo right now! ‘Cause that basically just sums up my whole experience and to see it reflected on the show was just AMAZING. And it was no big deal; she just goes “Ok” and they go back to eating their fucking ice cream. And jesus fuck that’s just all I wanted to see on TV and I didn’t even realize how important seeing it on TV was for me until I saw it!!! I’m just… I’m floored. Speechless, really – except not because I just want to talk about it SO MUCH.

It just… it felt so good to see it.

Super Starling! 9 years ago

In the opposite corner (in a similar room), I’m always pleased when characters are shown dating, say, a male and then later a female (or what-have-you) and NO BIG DEAL is made out of it. There’s no “oh, are you confused about your sexuality?” Sexuality can be fluid, and people can like other people based on, you know, their personalities or that unidentifiable allure that some people just have. It’s not always a gay thing or a straight thing. Bi/pansexuals, just like asexuals, are often swept under the rug and it’s so nice when they appear — and it’s not, like, a huge deal or a piece of drama.

Roswell Strange 9 years ago

+1 for that! One of the reasons I like The 100 so much! Bisexual representation :)

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