2007 Bo Nan Mountain Yun Wu Yuan Cha Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Brandy, Burnt Sugar, Leather, Oak, Scotch, Tobacco, Apricot, Ash, Astringent, Bitter, Clay, Dark Wood, Dates, Dirt, Dried Fruit, Floral, Grass, Green Wood, Herbs, Mineral, Olives, Sawdust, Camphor, Herbaceous, Moss, Mushrooms, Petrichor, Sweet, Thyme, Wet Wood, Wood, Alcohol, Bark, Citrus Fruits, Grapes, Tannic, Tart, Creamy, Earth, Raisins, Rose
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 oz / 88 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So good! I don’t review very many teas because the flavors are so subjective. But, this is one of my favorites at this price point. I recommend this tea to be drank from a snifter or nosing...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received as a sample from Togo. Thanks :) Dry leaf has some good age on it and smells as such, with other notes of dirt, dates, faint florals and apricot. Warming and rinsing releases aromas of...” Read full tasting note
  • “The last of the four cakes I bought from boychik is this budget semi-aged sheng. Today’s session was very nice, with a bit more body and more pungent character than when I tried it a few weeks ago....” Read full tasting note
  • “A nice aged-ish orange liquor from this one, I’ve aired it for a couple months now and all but a hint of those wet humid storage flavors have lifted, leaving mainly the aged flavor behind. A good...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

Spring harvest tea leaves from Bo Nan Mountain in Long Yang county in Bao Shan prefecture (of Yunnan). Pressed tightly but stored in tropical Lincang town for 7 years this lovely tea has light wet storage character, but still remains very clean and full of character!

The brewed tea is sweet, floral, but balanced with some slight astringency and bitterness to make it very expansive in the mouth (and to the senses). Tea soup is orange in color. An excellent choice for the budget conscious pu-erh drinker who likes complexity but also wants some age behind it.

357 grams per cake

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11 Tasting Notes

4 tasting notes

So good! I don’t review very many teas because the flavors are so subjective. But, this is one of my favorites at this price point. I recommend this tea to be drank from a snifter or nosing glass. It’s aged well, not too wet or dry. It’s crisp and clean, but with the richness of an aged pu’erh. Complex, but not muddy. It’s a thinker…which allows the pallet to explore and study in a dark-wooded, leather furnished, old library.

Flavors: Brandy, Burnt Sugar, Leather, Oak, Scotch, Tobacco

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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1652 tasting notes

Received as a sample from Togo. Thanks :)

Dry leaf has some good age on it and smells as such, with other notes of dirt, dates, faint florals and apricot. Warming and rinsing releases aromas of ash, light dried apricot, bitter black olives, sawdust, clay and old dry dark wood.

The taste of the liquor is distinctly different from the smell of the leaves. It’s light-bodied and very clean with mostly minerals, grass, herbs, green wood and light dried apricot. The flavors and some astringency peak in the first few steeps and slowly fade from there. Toward the middle of the session some complementary bitterness comes in, adding some depth to the liquor and then fades away. Sweetness was never present for me.

I really enjoyed the clean character of this puerh. It would be a great daily drinker, especially for green tea lovers looking for an aging sheng.

Flavors: Apricot, Ash, Astringent, Bitter, Clay, Dark Wood, Dates, Dirt, Dried Fruit, Floral, Grass, Green Wood, Herbs, Mineral, Olives, Sawdust

205 °F / 96 °C 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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1018 tasting notes

The last of the four cakes I bought from boychik is this budget semi-aged sheng. Today’s session was very nice, with a bit more body and more pungent character than when I tried it a few weeks ago. Apart from having acclimatized by now, I think that preparing it in a larger gaiwan also helped. Even though this particular cake has been stored by boychik for a few years, the notes are very similar to the ones from the sample I got from YS more than a year ago. Nevertheless, I do detect some more tartness. In the aroma, it’s an alcohol like scent of fermented fruits, while in the taste it manifests itself through a grape skin flavour. Forest notes like moss and tree bark are also quite present, as is the camphor in the aftertaste. Apart from being cooling, mouthfeel is also slightly numbing I’d say.

I am very happy that this tea expanded my tiny collection of aged sheng, and I have no doubt I will be drinking quite a bit of it in the near future.

Flavors: Alcohol, Bark, Citrus Fruits, Grapes, Tannic, Tart

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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106 tasting notes

A nice aged-ish orange liquor from this one, I’ve aired it for a couple months now and all but a hint of those wet humid storage flavors have lifted, leaving mainly the aged flavor behind. A good relaxing vibe from this tea, it is a bit rough while opening up, but smooths into a more creamy texture and a distinct sweetness by the fifth or sixth steep. Not super complex or deep, but not boring either, and the more mellow woody background of a few years of aging present. Went for a respectable 11 or 12 steeps if I recall correctly and the energy is nice and relaxing.

This was a quite good mid aged tea for the price and would make a good daily drinker, in my opinion if the flavor appeals to you. Nothing outstanding, but very solid and enjoyable. There also seems to be some evolution in store for this tea to go as well, based on the astringent ‘bite’ still going strong in the first four or five steeps. I can also definitely see certain flavors in this evolving into a strong date sweetness with time as it’s currently flirting with that as it is.

Flavors: Astringent, Creamy, Dried Fruit, Sawdust, Sweet, Wood

7 g 0 OZ / 3 ML

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27 tasting notes

This cake is complicated. I like it. A lot.
The completely conflicting reviews I’ve read are interesting. Some say due to wet storage this cake is very aged for only being a 2007, others state a lack of any wet storage notes. I’d have to agree with….. both. This cake is very interesting, especially for the price.
Not overly aromatic sitting in the wrapper, but upon steeping this up I immediately noticed a lot of green left in the leaves and a noticeable flowery fragrance. While still being fairly green, I did get a hint of wet storage flavor in various steeps. Early on there was definite bitterness, but the age/wet storage was there as well. Around steep number 5 or 6 this cake hit a beautiful balance of sharp young sheng flavors I enjoy and a slight aged profile to smooth it out.
I would definitely recommend this cake to several people:
-Anyone just starting to get into aged cakes, as it’s not overly aggresive with the aged or wet storage profile
-Someone who doesn’t completely favor young or aged sheng, as this has enjoyable qualitaties of both
-Anyone on a budget, it’s stupidly affordable for what’s being offered
-Someone looking for a cheap cake to continually drink and follow the aging process without worrying too much about it

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318 tasting notes

From the Pu TTB

A nice slightly aged sheng thats lost most of its greenness. Sweet and herbaceous with notes of sugarcane, basil, and moss. Slightly vegetal and mineral with a floral rose quality. I liked this one quite a bit and decided to pick up a cake, it’s a good price for a tea with a little age behind its back.

Flavors: Earth, Herbaceous, Mineral, Moss, Raisins

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

never found most of those notes in a sheng

hey, try a cake that’s 10+ years old! you will not be disappointed :D


It’s a pretty unique tasting one!

I’ve tried a few over 10 years but not many. The only one I have a cake of is the 2002 Yiwu Ancient Spirit from YS, it’s nice! I’ve been thinking about adding some more aged sheng to my collection, but its hard to find a good one that isn’t too expensive :(


Try a Xiaguan 8673 or 8653 from ’05 or ’06. The one I have took a while to air a bit but has a lovely strong aged flavour. Ive seen them in the $40 range


Thanks for the recommendation Rasseru, who sells those?


I bought from an ebay seller that is no longer in business.. I have the 8673. afaik the 8653 is only smaller grade leaves, such as this http://www.ebay.com/itm/2005-Yunnan-Xiaguan-8653-Raw-Pu-er-Tea-Free-Shipping-/221867756805?var=&hash=item793fd1f534 (a bit more expensive than I thought $64)


@tperez, sounds yummy, can you link me?

@rasseru, sounds awesome! does YS sell it? if so, can you link me?


Thanks Rasseru! I may have to try it

Kirk, its here http://yunnansourcing.com/en/otherfactories/1994-2002-yi-wu-ancient-spirit-raw-pu-erh-tea-cake-330-grams.html its nice and kind of camphor/spicy, the price has gone up a lot since I bought it though


I havent seen these cakes on YS, but berryleb has a good reputation here for selling decent puerh. The ones I have bought have all been good.


Thanks guys

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3 tasting notes

Started alittle bitter for me but then 5 steepings in, a sweet almost sugarcane note hit the tip of my tongue and surrounded my upper mouth, then 4 more steepings later a floral smell to the nose was quite pleasant. Sadly i had to go to work so i didnt get to continue, I believe it was only going to get better

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38 tasting notes

I brewed up about 5 1/2 to 6 grams in a 100ml gaiwan at 210f. I started this off at about 205 but due to the light nature of this tea I bumped it up to 210. This is my first encounter with a humid stored sheng but I detected no “mustiness” etc. and other reviews reflect the same sentiment. This has a very interesting nose. In the beginning, the wet leaf smells of apricot/fruit and a medicinal quality/antique store. This is a really smooth tea almost too smooth for me but maybe I should abuse it a little bit more and see how it gives. It starts off thin and with a nice fruity and floral taste with a bit of the medicinal quality. After pushing it a bit and getting into the heart of the steeps (about number 4) this tea started to show itself. A nice sweet taste with lots of floral tones in the nose and taste. At about steep 4 a really nice returning sweetness starts to come into play on the back of the tongue. A very nice sweet/floral sheng with some age. I like this tea and plan to revisit it again soon. For me the only thing to get a bit more acquainted with would be the medicinal taste. Its not off-putting in any way but definitely different for me. Not sure if its because of the humid storage or just the area/leaf/processing although I have heard of this taste in many different shengs. All in all I would recommend this tea. It is very smooth and sweet. Don’t be afraid to push it a bit. Lastly I shall speak on my favorite quality of this tea: The Qi. This tea is so calming that I actually feel a bit stoned from it. So that said, it makes a great calming cup for when you want to relax. Enjoy.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 tsp 3 OZ / 100 ML

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17 tasting notes

I just grabbed a sample of this from YS. It tastes considerably older than a 2007 due to the humid storage, but it’s really clean. Has a little of that ‘old house’ smell which I love. It’s smooth, floral (rose-y), and sweet. Hardly any bitterness at all. If I have any complaints it’s that it might be a little too smooth. But overall this tea is an absolute bargain!

Flavors: Rose, Wood

7 g 0 OZ / 0 ML

I like this one


Solid bang for buck.

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1758 tasting notes

This tea is really quite good. There is little bitterness. A sweet character to this tea. Like the Yunnan Sourcing description says it has a light floral character and is slightly astringent. This cake was a bargain at only $24. Despite the description saying this was wet stored, I didn’t taste any notes of wet wood or mustiness at all. It was certainly cleanly stored if it was wet stored.

I steeped this ten times in a 120ml gaiwan with 8g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, and 1 min. The tea was not finished at ten steeps. I’m sure I could have gotten another five or six steeps out of the tea had I wanted to continue.

Flavors: Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

I really like it. This storage is Guangdong dry. It has a clean taste. Every time I see Guangdong storage I always grab a sample or a cake.


It was really good. No wet wood which I am not fond of.


I agree with both of you. Hard to beat for the exceedingly low price. Proper sized cake too. Would be something absurd like $13 for a 200g cake.


Yes this tea was a bargain price for something this good.

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