2004 Hai Lang Hao "Nan Nuo Bai Hao" Raw Pu-erh tea cake

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Apricot, Basil, Bitter, Blueberry, Broth, Butter, Charcoal, Cinnamon, Cream, Cumin, Dates, Dried Fruit, Earthy, Floral, Incense, Lavender, Medicinal, Musk, Roots, Rose, Shiso, Smoke, Spicy, Stonefruit, Tobacco, Camphor, Smooth, Wood, Yeast
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 oz / 70 ml

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  • “Yay, I’m the first to write a note on this one! :) After discovering a Dragonwell at the back of the cupboard and drinking that, I suddenly had a craving for raw pu so I thought I would start one...” Read full tasting note
  • “Brothy, numbing, refreshing, powerful Incense utilized as medicine by the ancients, that luscious floral bitterness present in the most beckoning blood-red rose, the earthy spice and smoke of myrrh...” Read full tasting note
  • “Grandma meets Blueberry Muffin! This may sounds strange but in a certain way it describes quite on point what’s going on within this unique aged fellow – at least some curios aspects of it ;) –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Going back to this tea and can’t believe I have it almost 5 years lying around. There is an incredible amount of energy in this tea, which immediately drove me to write this. After 3 steeps there...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

An early production from Hai Lang Hao. The nei fei and wrapper bears the name of his shop (Ming Xiang Ya Yuan), which was used on his 2002 to 2006 productions. This tea cake was produced entirely from old plantation tea leaves picked during the first flush of spring 2004. The tea has been stored in Kunming since 2005 and has aged well in its Kunming dry-storage condition.

The taste is smooth with some spicy notes and high level of aroma. TheRead more

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5 Tasting Notes

290 tasting notes

Yay, I’m the first to write a note on this one! :)

After discovering a Dragonwell at the back of the cupboard and drinking that, I suddenly had a craving for raw pu so I thought I would start one of the sample packs I have been buying recently. For some reason, I bought a sample pack of this one, even though I have a whole untouched beeng in the stash. I guess that was an oversight at the time, but it does not feel so now.

The dry leaf is grassy and sweet, and the initial steepings were the same. About the third steeping, the tea developed a spicy sparkle on top of the grassiness that lasted ages in the aftertaste, even developing further on the tip my tongue. There’s a slight smokiness to my breath that develops further on into the aftertaste and I can feel the tea waking me up gently. The mouthfeel is creamy and full, double cream, perhaps. It’s very pleasant drinking this and I think I have a ways to go yet. The leaf feels like it has legs to it after half a dozen steepings and I should get a fair few more out of it. Nice.

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec
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TeaExplorer 11 years ago

I commented on this in the “pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou” discussion, and am looking forward to comparing notes with you on this once I receive my sample.

Roughage 11 years ago

I look forward to reading your thoughts on this tea. Shame we can’t sit down to the same table and discuss it that way. I could do with a few tea-drinking friends in this area. :)

TeaExplorer 11 years ago

I agree it would be nice to have a few tea-drinking friends nearby. Tea, to most people in my area, means teabags from the grocery store. We had a tea shop in town years ago, long before I discovered good tea, but it went out of business after a while. My wife drinks only one type, Twinings Darjeeling, which she doctors heavily with sugar and lemons. She resists the thought of trying a good Assam or Oolong, and can’t believe I drink “compost” (what she calls Pu-Erh).

Thanks to the Internet we can find kindred spirits to discuss our interests, which is almost as good as sitting face to face.

Roughage 11 years ago

My area is much the same as yours. I’m sure there are tea enthusiasts here, but finding them is the problem. My wife enjoys good tea but does not have the same level of enthusiasm and really dislikes a lot of the more floral teas that I like. She also defaults to standard teabags most of the time, sharing the good stuff only when I make it. It’s not that she does not appreciate it, just that she does not have the patience to invest in making it properly and exploring the options.

I have considered meeting on skype to drink tea and talk about it, but my internet connection does not support it well and is too unstable for it to be feasible.

TeaExplorer 11 years ago

I never thought of having a Skype tea gathering … what an interesting idea! It’s too bad your Internet connection won’t support it very well.

Roughage 11 years ago

When they eventually upgrade our line and make the connection faster and more stable, I shall be up for skype tea tastings. I think it would be a great way to meet and discuss a tea, although ensuring everyone has the right tea could prove interesting as a logistical problem. I may have to invest in a three-tiered cake stand so that I can eat cake from it at the same time! :)

TeaExplorer 11 years ago

Low tea via Skype … I love it! Too bad we can’t get good clotted cream here in the States :{

We only got broadband Internet here a couple of years ago … the wait was frustrating. Now, however, we’re drowning in 1’s and 0’s =:-D

mrmopar 11 years ago

+1 on skype! That would be a great idea!

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1652 tasting notes

Brothy, numbing, refreshing, powerful

Incense utilized as medicine by the ancients, that luscious floral bitterness present in the most beckoning blood-red rose, the earthy spice and smoke of myrrh resin on a freshly lit charcoal, a numbing kava bitter-root emulsion, the musk of oily fingers dusted with cumin, dried apricots and fresh cream in the distance, tobacco base, stonefruit overtone

A cool swallow, the mouth waters, sweetness returns as a sticky date wrapped in cinnamic shiso leaf

Lavender flowers and blueberry skin on the breath

Quite grounding yet the body floats, the spirit uplifted

A hauntingly beautiful tea

Flavors: Apricot, Basil, Bitter, Blueberry, Broth, Butter, Charcoal, Cinnamon, Cream, Cumin, Dates, Dried Fruit, Earthy, Floral, Incense, Lavender, Medicinal, Musk, Roots, Rose, Shiso, Smoke, Spicy, Stonefruit, Tobacco

5 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

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72 tasting notes
Grandma meets Blueberry Muffin!

This may sounds strange but in a certain way it describes quite on point what’s going on within this unique aged fellow – at least some curios aspects of it ;) – Already the scent steaming up of my Nixing pot really hits some different tones as it normally used to do. When I say Grandma it isn’t exactly the scent of old people but more like their

perfume they use – a bit of rose or better placed as Greek rose frankincense plus a hint of the medicinal variation of marshmallows aka althaea officinalis! But generally said there is a certain frankincense tree resin touch to it with a very nice more known thick slightly bitter Agarwood main construct as a base note. Some might find a resemblance within the image of an old European church. The mouth feel is very thick and long lasting with an outstanding sweet echo of blueberry muffin. Those empty cups exhale a nice bouquet of beeswax! Within the later infusions the scent turns more and more into a medicinal sphere with a slightly creamy buttery nuance to it. This fellow really aged in a perfect well balanced way with such a unique profile – a real pleasure! This aged buddy takes you on a quite abundant journey with many infusions to go!

More Reviews & Photos at https://www.instagram.com/zerozen_artlab/

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5 tasting notes

Going back to this tea and can’t believe I have it almost 5 years lying around. There is an incredible amount of energy in this tea, which immediately drove me to write this.
After 3 steeps there is hardly any bitterness but rather a watering sensation which tikles around the mouth. Looking at the leaves, I’m quite surprised how small they are.
The smell of the wet leaves still hides the aroma of a fresh pu-er.
Why does steepers time start at 15 sec? I only brew this for 2 seconds or so.

Flavors: Camphor, Dried Fruit, Smooth, Wood, Yeast

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 OZ / 50 ML
mrmopar 5 years ago

Yeah that bugger is strong.

Nattie 5 years ago

Welcome back! The steeping timer bugs me too, but I don’t gong fu often.

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