My second cup of Pu Erh of the night. This one chosen at random again from my lovely Pu Erh goody box. I am not sure what lotus tastes like per say but one can imagine it’s light and floral. Lotus flowers are beautiful to look at so the idea of drinking one (well part of one) is fun.
Again usual amber coloured ripe Pu Erh colour with the traditional ripe Pu Erh smell.
This cup of tea was steeped after my meal which is supposed to aid with weight loss which is a plus for me if it works.
After my first sips while I found the Pu Erh a nice strength I had trouble detecting the lotus. After a while you can taste something slightly sweet and sharp in the background which must be the lotus. If anything it makes the Pu Erh slightly fresher tasting but does not really aid much else when it comes to flavour. A shame that this tea did not have a more notable flavour but I suppose it’s perfect for Pu Erh drinkers who play their tea safely when it comes to trying new things.
It is also possible that there may not be that much lotus in this brew as I started a fresh cake. I have noticed that a lot of the time the flavour enhancer (fruit, leaves, flowers etc) are mostly towards the middle of the cake. Perhaps next time I brew this I shall dig into the middle and see if there are any changes to taste.
Still the perfect drink to finish my book to.