I have been a good girl and done my house cleaning for the day so I deserve a lovely cup of pu erh tea. This was another one chosen at random from my pu erh flavoured samples from Yunnan.
The tea looks lovely with it’s dark coloured tea leaves and light shell looking olives mixed in. The contrast is just wonderful whilst cutting and preparing.
Firstly I can see that the tea is ripe as it leaves a wonderful red coloured tea and from the smell it smells like a strong pu erh. I cannot tell any difference between the smell alone yet but I did see the olive when I was brewing it so I know it’s there.
Again fresh but strong and slightly sweet, this is a nice pu erh. The olive is hard to taste but it is possible to notice the sweet sourness of them in the after taste. Again it’s very subtle and it takes a lot to truly identify it.
I wouldn’t say this was a ground breaking, must have pu erh but it’s a little different. The strength is what sells it for me, without that I don’t think it would really be any different from your standard ripe. The olive would be too strong for raw, yet very subtle for ripe (I hope you understand what I am saying).
A nice drink but I have had better pu erh.