2018 Fuding "Shou Mei" White Tea Cake

Tea type
White Tea
White Tea Leaves
Alcohol, Fruity, Honey, Oily, Smooth, Sweet, Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jamie Ly
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 oz / 70 ml

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  • “Texture is very oily and smooth with an almost unnoticeable bitterness. The aroma is sweet, fruity, honey-like with a tiny bit of booziness. It also has a note that reminds me of a medicinal...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

Description from yunnansourcing.com:
An ultra-smooth Shou Mei white tea! Aged fpr1+ years in Fuding before being pressed in 2019. Full-bodied, golden tea soup is viscous and mouth watering. Sweet with honey and fruit character makes this a great choice for an easy drinking Shou Mei! Drink now or age more!

Shou Mei is considered to be 4th grade Fuding White Tea, sharing character with both Bai Mu Dan and Gong Mei.

Fuding Bai Cha In order of tippiest to coarsest:

1st Grade – Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needles)

2nd Grade – Bai Mu Dan

3rd Grade – Gong Mei

4th grade – Shou Mei

Varietal: Fuding Da Hao

Harvest: May 2018, July 15th 2019 pressing

100 Grams per cake (7 Cakes Per Bamboo Leaf Tong)

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1 Tasting Note

37 tasting notes

Texture is very oily and smooth with an almost unnoticeable bitterness. The aroma is sweet, fruity, honey-like with a tiny bit of booziness. It also has a note that reminds me of a medicinal beverage named Banlangen. I used the Fujian/Taiwan Gongfu tea method to brew this tea with a gaiwan as brewing vessel. I described this tea purely from memory so I gotta drink it one more time to get the maximum experience.

Flavors: Alcohol, Fruity, Honey, Oily, Smooth, Sweet, Traditional Chinese Medicine

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 OZ / 70 ML

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