Sweet Thai Delight

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Lisbet
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tastes like a combination of thai iced tea, coconut milk, and the candy coated fennel that Indian restaurants often have by the register. It’s pretty sweet, so much so that I can’t imagine...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Lisbet for the sample! (I know I rated it badly, but I do like getting to try new teas) (Backlogging) I wanted to like this, I really did :( It’s sweet, and cinnamony, but I just couldn’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yuck. Very sweet, I couldn’t finish the cup. Not a good experience. I would like to get rid of this tea and trade it away. I gave this tea away at the 8/8/12 steepster meetup.” Read full tasting note
  • “Why does this taste like apples? There are no apples in it, but that is what I taste. This tea tastes like a cinnamon apple to me. I’m not getting much coconut flavor (I wish I was!). I am...” Read full tasting note

From Yogi Tea

Rejoice in our Sweet Thai Delight. Welcome to enchanting Thailand. As you find yourself surrounded by magnificent temples and lively floating markets, close your eyes and take in the scents of fragrant fruits and flowers. Drawing on these exotic aromas, we capture sweet coconut and combine it with hearty rooibos for its antioxidant properties. We then add a touch of cinnamon and anise to round off this blend full of irresistible scents and delectable tastes. Every sip is sure to enliven your senses and fill your spirit with warmth and happiness.

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10 Tasting Notes

267 tasting notes

This tastes like a combination of thai iced tea, coconut milk, and the candy coated fennel that Indian restaurants often have by the register. It’s pretty sweet, so much so that I can’t imagine adding anything to it, but not in the sickening range. The rooibos is definitely present, but in the background. The very last taste is a bit of a spicy kick from the cinnamon and anise. I’d call this a must try for anyone interested in an unusual decaf tea. Just… be sure you don’t mind coconut or you’ll be in a tiny piece of hell.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Was this one of your samples?

“in a tiny piece of hell” – you crack me up!


Heh no, but one of my samples was the Detox I reviewed the other day. I went and bought a new box of (Peach) detox today. I have so many Yogi Tea coupons that I keep buying tons of their teas.


And I have 2 samples of Yogi tea waiting to go in your next package already! 2 of my samples (out of 4) were green tea (migraines).


Aw- I got to choose mine. That stinks that you didn’t :(

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412 tasting notes

Thanks to Lisbet for the sample! (I know I rated it badly, but I do like getting to try new teas)

(Backlogging) I wanted to like this, I really did :( It’s sweet, and cinnamony, but I just couldn’t get past the anise. I’m a licorice hater. I really couldn’t drink this hot, so I put it in the frige overnight and tried it cold with lots of milk the next day. That was… drinkable, so if you only have a mild anise dislike, cold+cream might work for you. The rooibos is detectable, and a perfectly good base for this blend.

Anyway, between anise, my distaste for chicory, and the fact that my mother only drank herbal teas when I was a child, there’s good reason that I thought for years I didn’t like tea!

Boiling 8 min or more

Yogi is way too licorice happy…I thnk I have yet to try one I really liked; there’s a cocoa spice that isn’t too bad.


Lisbet sent me a bag of that too! I just haven’t reviewed it yet. It was definitely better, but the chicory still kinda puts me off :( That one gets into pretty much any herbal blend that rooibos doesn’t.

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81 tasting notes

Yuck. Very sweet, I couldn’t finish the cup. Not a good experience. I would like to get rid of this tea and trade it away.

I gave this tea away at the 8/8/12 steepster meetup.


What I learned about Steepster / Tea in the past few months:
Rooibos = Yuck
Guayusa = Yum

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310 tasting notes

Why does this taste like apples? There are no apples in it, but that is what I taste. This tea tastes like a cinnamon apple to me. I’m not getting much coconut flavor (I wish I was!). I am tasting the fennel/anise flavor in the background. Whoa… and that sip had a smidgen of cocoa.

It’s an ok tea. I maybe should have brewed it longer or used less water.

Thanks for the sample Lisbet!

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec

Yeah, it’s just okay. I swear it tastes different every time I try it :)

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26 tasting notes

A very mild chocolate taste due to the carob in it. A nice cup during the day for a sweet fix!

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4339 tasting notes

The rooibos and coconut taste great together in this one. The coconut isn’t a weird coconut like some teas feature. A perfect amount of sweet flavor here too.. maybe that’s the butterscotch flavor? I’m not tasting the cinnamon that is supposed to be in this though. Very smooth.

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64 tasting notes

Got this one as a tester with a perfume swap.
OMG!! This one is amazing. Not big on anise but
this was lush and coconutty and lovely with milk.
Not overly strong, so don’t try it in a big mug (whoops!)
but point me to where to get some more and I will be there in a heartbeat.

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5 tasting notes
I found this tea on the close-out rack at Food Lion. It was marked down to $1.64. I tried it that day and it was one of the most unusual teas I’d ever tasted. The more I drank it, the more I liked it. I’ve been looking all over Charlotte, but haven’t found it in any stores. This is sad, because I used my last Tea Bag this morning.
150 °F / 65 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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43 tasting notes

Tastes like a weak version of Tazo Apple Red + candle wax. Not my thing. The licorice overwhelms everything and overall it’s pretty bland.

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46 tasting notes

One of my favorite herbal teas from Yogi Tea. Great amount of sweetness while still maintaining the body of a rooibos.

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