
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Mint, Cardamom, Citrus, Ginger
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Edit tea info Last updated by Diogo Serra
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 12 oz / 365 ml

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From Yogi Tea

Basil, the most regal of all herbs, decided to celebrate life with a tea dance and invited the mystics from the east: Cinnamon, Ginger and Cardamom. They came bearing gifts of warmth and spice. Also amongst the guests were Chili, who came from Mexico, bringing its soothing warmth, and Liquorice, who came all the way from Egypt, revealing the secret for enhancing the senses. Together they danced, rejoiced and celebrated life. This wonderful sattvic formula will lift the spirit. Drink a cup of Heartwarming tea and join this joyous celebration of life!

Basil, orange peel, cardamom , ginger, cloves, chilli, black pepper, lime, peppermint, spearming, tumeric root, dried lemon juice.

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3 Tasting Notes

836 tasting notes

Used 1 teabag. Infused for 8 minutes.

There’s a savory aroma in the brewing tea that reminds me of the smell of horses.

I really like the savory mix of spices with the mint. It is balanced quite nicely.

Thanks to MissB for sharing!

Flavors: Mint

Boiling 8 min or more 13 OZ / 375 ML

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1501 tasting notes

This tea reads like a litany of my favorite herbs and flavors: basil, turmeric, lime, spearmint, chili, ginger, lemon, cardamom. I read it initially (in French) and was all… Huh? Did I read that correctly? Okay, I’m trying it.

So glad I did! It’s a hard one to describe, other than it’s spicy (but not hot at all), granular from all the spices (and because I let it steep forever), smooth, full, almost chai-like, but then there’s all that citrus-y mint stuff going on, and the basil… I could drink this all day, every day.

Flavors: Cardamom, Citrus, Ginger, Mint

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Maddy Barone

Sounds good. Wonder what it would be like iced on a hot summer day?


Wow. Very interesting!


I’m a bit scared to try it iced… although it would be a challenge to do so in -2 Belgian weather in an AirBnB at the moment. A challenge for me, that is. I’m also scared because I’d want it like a chai with some milk, and all that citrus (there’s orange in here too, I discovered) would make things curdle. If I can keep enough of this on hand for when I return to Canada, I may try it iced? I dunno, I’d hate to waste the leaf, it’s just so darn interesting and tasty.

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12 tasting notes

It’s fruity and spicy, probably one of my favourites from Yogi teas.

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