Summer Pudding Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by fleurdelily
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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From Whittard of Chelsea

We’ve brought out the bunting and marquees for our customers with this blend, created from our favorite combination of soft fruits – strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants with a pinch of spicy juniper. Each adds a different flavor of summer, like a stall of homemade jams and cakes at a village fete. Let yourself be transported.

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6 Tasting Notes

48 tasting notes

Horrid. Over-flavoured and leaves a cloyingly sweet after taste.


yes. Agreed. — Like a watered down version of a Harney tea, which are also cloyingly sweet and horrid.

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10 tasting notes

My experience with Whittard teas (after receiving several as gifts) indicates that they sometimes take some getting used to but they are worth the effort. This one is no exception.

Strawberries and raspberries – that sounds good; currants – not a favorite but OK; good balck tea base – like that. But then there’s this juniper which seems strange in a tea (to me anyway). I’ve tried this straight on its own and with both sweetener and a little milk. I think I prefer it with sweetener and milk. Unusual mix but it works.

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2238 tasting notes

Day 21 of the Whittard advent. This one’s a black with juniper berries (yes, please!), strawberry and blackcurrant. No hibi, thankfully!

It’s fruity; really fruity. There’s lots of strawberry and a touch of underlying sharpness which is very much reminiscent of blackberry. It has a great summer pudding vibe going on, and I’d absolutely buy this.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Martin Bednář

Sounds good for me!

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1277 tasting notes

Doesn’t really remind me of pudding but perhaps England has many types of pudding. It’s an interesting mix, but it’s done well. From the tea box. Good hot.

1 tsp

I think England just calls most desserts pudding

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23 tasting notes

This was interesting! A bit strong, but yummy nonetheless!

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35 tasting notes

Nice loose fruity tea sold loose or in Tea bags at WHittard only.

4 min, 0 sec

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