It feels like it’s been a moment since I had a nice sheng session, so this morning I steeped up this newer sample I got in a recent order. I couldn’t really remember anything about how W2T had described this production so I was going in pretty blind, and I was pleasantly surprised by how soft, sweet, and fruity I found this sheng to be. Aside from a really fresh and slippery feeling liquor, it had pretty fleshed out feeling notes of candied lilac petals with a gentle, peachy, and floral undertone and just a bit of a crisp, vegetal finish. A bit like snow peas?? It definitely picks up a bit more body over the session, with some thicker stonefruit notes that almost seem to fold in that still fruity but slightly sharper note of peach or apricot skins as opposed to the flesh of the fruit. Definitely different from what I’d expected from the name, but I really, reaalllyyyy enjoyed this session. Just a great balance of body, mouthfeel, and tasting note progression!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DE-tBm7yah4/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ3SpEonPtw&ab_channel=RITHO